Thursday, November 10th - Training Call
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Host: Cara Rapp (Platinum Director)
Cara has turned her part-time Xyngular business into a full-time income! Hear tips on how to grow as quickly as she has!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#

We are a new company of American Fork Utah and we are introducing our products and you can benefit from this. Looking for a job or better still like to have your own business?; Xyngular is your choice! Are you ready for the challenge Xyngular and generate the revenue needed you so much? More information:
miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011
Wednesday, November 9th - Product Call - XYNG
Wednesday, November 9th - Product Call - XYNG
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Guest: Jim Ayres
Join Jim Ayres, Xyngular's amazing Nutritional Product Developer, and hear how XYNG will reduce your appetite and boost your energy and mental clarity!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Guest: Jim Ayres
Join Jim Ayres, Xyngular's amazing Nutritional Product Developer, and hear how XYNG will reduce your appetite and boost your energy and mental clarity!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
Tuesday, November 8th - Opportunity Call
Tuesday, November 8th - Opportunity Call
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Host: Cynthia Evans (Platinum Director)
Cynthia is a busy West Virginia lawyer, but that hasn't stopped her from succeeding in Xyngular too! Join the call to hear her take on why Xyngular is the best Network Marketing opportunity!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Host: Cynthia Evans (Platinum Director)
Cynthia is a busy West Virginia lawyer, but that hasn't stopped her from succeeding in Xyngular too! Join the call to hear her take on why Xyngular is the best Network Marketing opportunity!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
Thursday, November 3rd - Training Call
Thursday, November 3rd - Training Call
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Host: Cala Stadel (Platinum Director)
Cala is Xyngular's top earner and a master trainer, teacher, leader, and motivator! Don't miss this chance to hear training tips from one of Xyngular's very best!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Host: Cala Stadel (Platinum Director)
Cala is Xyngular's top earner and a master trainer, teacher, leader, and motivator! Don't miss this chance to hear training tips from one of Xyngular's very best!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
Wednesday, November 2nd - Product Call - Lean
Wednesday, November 2nd - Product Call - Lean
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Guest: Jim Ayres
Join Jim Ayres, Xyngular's amazing Nutritional Product Developer, and hear how LEAN can help you lose weight and feel great!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Guest: Jim Ayres
Join Jim Ayres, Xyngular's amazing Nutritional Product Developer, and hear how LEAN can help you lose weight and feel great!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
Tuesday, November 1st - Opportunity Call
Tuesday, November 1st - Opportunity Call
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Host: Cara Rapp (Platinum Director)
Cara was the first person to hit all of Xyngular's Xtreme Builder incentives, so she knows how to take this opportunity and run with it! Don't miss her amaXYNG insight!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Host: Cara Rapp (Platinum Director)
Cara was the first person to hit all of Xyngular's Xtreme Builder incentives, so she knows how to take this opportunity and run with it! Don't miss her amaXYNG insight!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
martes, 25 de octubre de 2011
Drinking from a fire hose
Although there are many reasons for joining Xyngular and building a business, the quintessential reason most women eventually give for building a career here is work-life balance. Women are natural multi-taskers. They hate being caught in an inflexible job where they have no wiggle room to multitask in the way that fits them and their family. A Xyngular career offers the opportunity to balance work, family, friends, and personal interests. It empowers women and gives them confidence. They can make more money here The hours-to-dollars ratio at Xyngular often amazes women. Many who formerly felt male-dominated, see that they are equal or even have greater advantages here. They see themselves making as much money in a few flexible hours a day as they used to make in a full-time or other part-time job. A natural extension of who women are Networking is what women do naturally without a compensation plan or products. They share and compliment each other on the way they look, their weight and their health. Xyngular is a simple extension of natural instincts. It's a way to get in touch with long-lost friends and spend even more time with close friends and family. With social networking technology growing and expanding, women are finding it easier than ever to reconnect with friends they've been neglecting. Family friendly. In our difficult economy, many husbands have been rescued by their wife's part-time Xyngular business...and decided to join them. We often meet them at Sundance events. That, in fact, is why we bring couples to Sundance, so the family "team" can see the full Xyngular career potential and how it can work within their flexible family structure. Cara Rapp is a perfect example of building her business fast so her husband, could have the confidence to "quit his job if he needed to." He didn't need to because his company saw his value and made him the kind of offer he needed. "We would have been miserable in his old job situation, but in three-and-a-half months with Xyngular everything changed and our family is so grateful. Within four-and-a-half months I've earned about $45,000 in my Xyngular business...part-time." That's family power. That's women power. You never know when you're talking with a friend if Xyngular could be their answer to prayers. The confidence factor After being in Xyngular for a few months and developing the "voice" they need to succeed here, women find that they could never go back to the quiet, more timid life they lived before. Many women who have been staying at home with children or working a job that is not challenging them, find that when they do Xyngular, they move into a whole new position of confidence and power. This personal development can improve their marriages, help them better manage their family affairs, and give them the time-freedom they crave. When a woman's financial contribution to a family turns from a little extra income into more of the "bread and butter," husbands can grow in confidence as well, especially with the flexible hours and the excellent return on the hours spent. With entrepreneurial thinking, both men and women have greater confidence in the future. There are difficult family situations for both those who are losing their employment and those who are getting The recession has caused everyone to be more introspective and wonder what's coming next. Xyngular gives women the chance to look at themselves down deep and say, "I have amazing potential. I'm a smart and capable person. I can take hold and guide the direction of my life." That's what women crave. |
domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011
Thursday, October 27th - Training Call
Thursday, October 27th - Training Call
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Host: Cynthia Evans (Platinum Director)
As a busy lawyer, you might think Cynthia Evans wouldn't have time to grow her Xyngular business…but you'd be wrong! Hear how she balances Xyngular with a demanding career!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Host: Cynthia Evans (Platinum Director)
As a busy lawyer, you might think Cynthia Evans wouldn't have time to grow her Xyngular business…but you'd be wrong! Hear how she balances Xyngular with a demanding career!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
Wednesday, October 26th - Product Call - Accelerate
Wednesday, October 26th - Product Call - Accelerate
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Host: Jim Ayres
Join Jim Ayres, Xyngular's amazing Nutritional Product Developer, and hear how to ACCELERATE your weight loss!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Host: Jim Ayres
Join Jim Ayres, Xyngular's amazing Nutritional Product Developer, and hear how to ACCELERATE your weight loss!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011
Tuesday, October 25th - Opportunity Call
Tuesday, October 25th - Opportunity Call
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Host: Cala Stadel (Platinum Director)
As a busy mother of 7 and retail store owner, Cala has managed to become Xyngular's top earner through sharing the opportunity with everyone! Join the call to learn how you can too!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Host: Cala Stadel (Platinum Director)
As a busy mother of 7 and retail store owner, Cala has managed to become Xyngular's top earner through sharing the opportunity with everyone! Join the call to learn how you can too!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
martes, 18 de octubre de 2011
Thursday, October 20th - Training Call
Thursday, October 20th - Training Call
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Host: Stan Townsend (Platinum Director)
Stan is a 30 year veteran in health as well as Network Marketing, so he knows how to grow a business. Hear his take on how you can make Xyngular a full-time income!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Host: Stan Townsend (Platinum Director)
Stan is a 30 year veteran in health as well as Network Marketing, so he knows how to grow a business. Hear his take on how you can make Xyngular a full-time income!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
How to invest in your Xyngular relationships... you can't be successful by yourself
So it builds our business whenever we remind each other of the vital art of relationship building. Here are a few reminders. Start with kindness Ask yourself, "how kind should I be?" Answer: "as kind as you possibly can." "Who should you be kind to?" Answer: everyone from the rude neighbor to the taxi driver. Why? For practice. So your natural reactions to stressful situations are automatically kind. When your team is huge and one of your top leaders tells a story about how they met you once and saw you react in a stressful situation, what kinds of story do you want them to tell? You'll never know how that exceptionally kind work will duplicate into stories throughout your organization. It doesn't take much time to simply listen, smile, comment, and cheer someone up. You never know what kind of day someone is having. They'll remember you, whether you know it or not. Jim Rohn says it this way, "When you give kindness, it's not gone. It's invested. It will come back to you two, five, ten, a hundred times." Essential sensitivity Being skilled at sensitivity is a key trait every leader must have in this relationship business. When you catch a hint of a sensitive situation, practice asking a few questions to get through to the root of the problem. Ask enough questions to get you in the other person's shoes. They won't usually reveal the real issue after your first question. When someone responds, "things are okay," you can usually tell by their tone of voice that things are NOT okay. Ask just enough questions to get to show you care. If there's a hint of trouble, it's important to ask the sensitivity questions up front, not after you've finished "more important" business. If you can't clear the air and establish a relationship of trust early in the conversation, the whole conversation may be wasted because the other person is focused on something else. You have to be sensitive to where someone's coming from and what they've been through. If you want to have positive influence over people, you need to ask enough questions to find out where they're coming from, what they've been through, what pain they may have experienced...especially in former Network Marketing relationships. Learn to express...not impress Even in a first contact, you want to find something you have in idea, a place, a similar relationship. That will go a long way to build trust. Many Xyngular Distributors use the FORM acronym to remind them: F reminds you to ask about their family. O stands for occupation. R stands for recreation. Then M stands for message. Don't get to your message until you've explored F, O, and R first. When you start all conversations with bridge building, you'll have a foundation for a strong and successful Xyngular relationship. |
lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011
Wednesday, October 19th - Product Call - Super Fruit Global Blend/XypStix
Wednesday, October 19th - Product Call - Super Fruit Global Blend/XypStix
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Guest: Jim Ayres
Join Jim Ayres, Xyngular's amazing Nutritional Product Developer, hear how Xyngular's Super Fruit Global Blend and XypStix can turn your body into a free-radical fighting health machine!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Guest: Jim Ayres
Join Jim Ayres, Xyngular's amazing Nutritional Product Developer, hear how Xyngular's Super Fruit Global Blend and XypStix can turn your body into a free-radical fighting health machine!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011
Tuesday, October 18th - Opportunity Call
Tuesday, October 18th - Opportunity Call
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Host: Cynthia Evans (Platinum Director)
Cynthia is a busy West Virginia lawyer, but that hasn't stopped her from succeeding in Xyngular too! Join the call to hear her take on why Xyngular is the best Network Marketing opportunity!
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Host: Cynthia Evans (Platinum Director)
Cynthia is a busy West Virginia lawyer, but that hasn't stopped her from succeeding in Xyngular too! Join the call to hear her take on why Xyngular is the best Network Marketing opportunity!
jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011
Thursday, October 13th - Training Call
Thursday, October 13th - Training Call
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Host: Freddy Elias (Platinum Director) Freddy is one of Xyngular's top money earners and leaders. Hear his insight on how YOU can take maximize your Xyngular's income!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Host: Freddy Elias (Platinum Director) Freddy is one of Xyngular's top money earners and leaders. Hear his insight on how YOU can take maximize your Xyngular's income!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2011
Product Call - Flush
Wednesday, October 12th - Product Call - Flush
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Guest: Jim Ayres
Join Jim Ayres, Xyngular's amazing Nutritional Product Developer, and learn how FLUSH helps you lose weight, detox, and stay healthy!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Guest: Jim Ayres
Join Jim Ayres, Xyngular's amazing Nutritional Product Developer, and learn how FLUSH helps you lose weight, detox, and stay healthy!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#
lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011
The Dominican Republic is now open to Xyngular!
Xyngular continues to grow each month in our open markets as each of you share our products and our unique Compensation Plan with others and invite them to become a part of this great company. "We are excited for the people of the Dominican Republic and look forward to rapid growth there," said Xyngular COO Glen Oliver. "Network Marketing is strong in the Dominican, and they are very excited to hear about Xyngular. Xyngular's incredible products and Compensation Plan are going to change lives there for many generations." |
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