So it builds our business whenever we remind each other of the vital art of relationship building. Here are a few reminders. Start with kindness Ask yourself, "how kind should I be?" Answer: "as kind as you possibly can." "Who should you be kind to?" Answer: everyone from the rude neighbor to the taxi driver. Why? For practice. So your natural reactions to stressful situations are automatically kind. When your team is huge and one of your top leaders tells a story about how they met you once and saw you react in a stressful situation, what kinds of story do you want them to tell? You'll never know how that exceptionally kind work will duplicate into stories throughout your organization. It doesn't take much time to simply listen, smile, comment, and cheer someone up. You never know what kind of day someone is having. They'll remember you, whether you know it or not. Jim Rohn says it this way, "When you give kindness, it's not gone. It's invested. It will come back to you two, five, ten, a hundred times." Essential sensitivity Being skilled at sensitivity is a key trait every leader must have in this relationship business. When you catch a hint of a sensitive situation, practice asking a few questions to get through to the root of the problem. Ask enough questions to get you in the other person's shoes. They won't usually reveal the real issue after your first question. When someone responds, "things are okay," you can usually tell by their tone of voice that things are NOT okay. Ask just enough questions to get to show you care. If there's a hint of trouble, it's important to ask the sensitivity questions up front, not after you've finished "more important" business. If you can't clear the air and establish a relationship of trust early in the conversation, the whole conversation may be wasted because the other person is focused on something else. You have to be sensitive to where someone's coming from and what they've been through. If you want to have positive influence over people, you need to ask enough questions to find out where they're coming from, what they've been through, what pain they may have experienced...especially in former Network Marketing relationships. Learn to express...not impress Even in a first contact, you want to find something you have in idea, a place, a similar relationship. That will go a long way to build trust. Many Xyngular Distributors use the FORM acronym to remind them: F reminds you to ask about their family. O stands for occupation. R stands for recreation. Then M stands for message. Don't get to your message until you've explored F, O, and R first. When you start all conversations with bridge building, you'll have a foundation for a strong and successful Xyngular relationship. |
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