Oprah knows how to stay thin. She has a personal trainer and chef to make it easy. But her audience, as enthusiastic as they were, haven't been able to crack the code in their own lives. What's the answer? It's not one more diet book or ab machine. The long-term battle for optimal weight seems so far out of reach for most people.
How many ab machines have been marketed in the last decade?
How many are collecting dust in attics all over the world? Why do 95% of all dieters gain more weight within a year of ending their diet? Why is none of this information or equipment working to keep us trim and healthy?
For the answer, just follow the money trail. Where are the marketing and advertising dollars spent? On empty foods. What huge industries continue to expand as our waistlines expand? Why are there huge government subsidies for crops that fill the empty food pipeline? We don't see government subsidies for broccoli growers.
Remember, big tobacco companies were marketing their lethal products with little restraint for years until fairly recently.
So what took the American tobacco empires down? It was a grassroots movement that hit them on every level over decades until they had to buckle to advertising restrictions, anti-smoking ads, and label laws.
So what's the missing link? If empty food is the new tobacco, what can we at Xyngular do to make a difference and bring the huge empty-food monster industries to their knees?
Our society has become addicted to convenience. We need convenient, affordable systems to replace the empty food traps and habits we're caught up in. They have to do something about the cravings and lack of energy.
At Xyngular we've provided that missing link and people everywhere are seeing results.
We have introduced a system, a food environment that gives people structure and tracks to run on. If wolves are destroying the sheep, you need fences to keep out the wolves. The IGNITE™ system is the answer. It's the fence that keeps the monster cravings under control and the energy high for exercise. We have a system that lifts our spirits while it sheds the pounds.
Our system keeps certain empty foods out of the house and helps tame our cravings for them. We learn a new culture. We join a new network of friends that are all enlisted together and winning the weight-loss war together one conference call at a time. And together...as a committed, grassroots team...we are enrolling recruits and making a difference all over the world...one person at a time.
1. Who do you know who loves to join a cause and spread the word? Put them on your list. Tell them about Xyngular's mission to overcome obesity. Share the heartfelt success stories. Many more people will join if they know they are enlisting in a cause.
2. Sometimes joining the army, identifying the enemy, and enlisting in a cause, makes the war against obesity easier to wage. Use ideas from this article to help tell your story about Xyngular's mission to reverse obesity...one person at a time.
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