Researchers have discovered over and over that exercise lowers the effect of the risky gene, but a more recent study focuses on the effect of the gene related to food habits. The FTO gene that appears to be responsible for weight gain, is common in many people. The study reveals that 17 percent of people have double copies, meaning that they received it from both of their parents. Then 40 percent have a single copy of this gene.
These FTO genes act on the part of the brain that determines appetite and satiety. But we are not slaves to these genes. It's a myth that obesity is caused by them. In a breakthrough discovery, scientists concluded that genetic pre-disposition to obesity is completely preventable with proper nutrition, especially in early childhood. The key to reversing this predisposition is the appetite-controlling hormone leptin that Dr. Mercola speaks so much about (, September 29, 2009).
The skinny on fat
Many people believe that a strict low-fat diet is the best way to lose weight, but there are an increasing number of studies that are showing that low-carb diets like we suggest in the IGNITE™ system are more effective for weight loss. Here's why.
Your cells can most easily get fuel from either sugar or fat. But your body first burns all the sugar it can find before it starts burning fat. So if you eat a plate of pasta (which immediately becomes sugar in your body) along with a little olive oil and meatballs (fat and protein). Your body has to first take care of the pasta, and whatever can't be burned away immediately will be stored as fat. The fat in the olive oil and meatballs is also stored as fat.
The more carbs you eat, the more your cells get used to burning sugar as their favorite fuel. You begin to crave it more than fat.
Dr. Ron Rosedale tells us that, "People get fat not so much because they eat fat, but because their bodies have forgotten how to burn it, and because of poor hormonal communication" ( September 29, 2009).
Yes, there's more to the story of appetite regulation than simply having an FTO gene acting on your hypothalamus, as you read about in weight-loss articles.
Your appetite is in large part governed by the hormone leptin. By following the IGNITE program, you put your body into fat-burning mode by controlling the leptin and allowing your body to rest from producing so much insulin.
How leptin regulates your weight
If you, like most Americans, eat lots of sugar, bread, baked goods, crackers, cookies and other carbs; your body won't be able to handle all that excessive sugar, so it will keep turning it into more and more fat to get it out of the bloodstream.
For awhile, you'll just keep gaining weight, but then your fat stores will begin filling up and when there nowhere else to store the extra sugar, it starts overloading your blood stream causing leptin resistance. This means that your body actually forgets how to burn fat properly.
The solution isn't a low-fat diet, but rather less carbs and sugar, natural products that help with satiety and more protein… and even some healthy fats to help reduce the cravings. But the key is healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds; not trans fats or highly processed fats found in most vegetable oils, chips and greasy foods. And, of course, one of the most important ways to reset your body on fat-burning mode is exercise… a sensible, moderate and consistent program of stretching, aerobic and weight-bearing exercise.
1. Take another look at the IGNITE plan and see how you're following it for basic weight maintenance. If you're eating too many carbs in the evening, make concrete plans to change it.
2. Go through your pantry and check out the types of fat you find. Make any necessary changes so you're getting plenty of healthy fats. Your brain and your body will thank you.
3. Make sure your exercise program includes (1) stretching, (2) aerobic and (3) weight bearing routines 4 to 8 times a week.
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