viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011

"I am pain free at last"

I spent three of the past seven years taking care of my mom during her final illness. A year after her passing, I was rear ended at a red light by a flatbed tow truck. This left me with a neck fusion, back problems, a closed-head injury, and a lot of anxiety. I was unable to take care of myself and my family. That was the worst part for me...feeling helpless. 

So I started to OD on food, and it was slowly destroying my body inside and out. I was gaining so much weight. 

I decided I needed to get out of the house with all the pain I was living with every day and start to try to live again. 

Last summer I ran into an old friend, and he told me about the Xyngular® products. I started using XYNG™, and within 2 weeks I was down 17 pounds. Then I did 2 rounds of IGNITE™ and continued to use the products afterwards. Today I am down a total of 62 pounds. I am pain free, my closed-head injury symptoms are gone, and I'm off my meds. I am taking care of myself and my family again. 

Thank you XYNGULAR! 

Tammy Armstrong

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