It accounts for more missed work and school than any other illness, and it's the top reason people visit their doctors -- even though doctors can't offer much help. A cold is actually a viral infection, which means if your doctor prescribes an antibiotic for your cold, it will be useless.
But because you are part of the Xyngular family, you have products for building your immune system and helping ward off this unwelcome seasonal intruder.
How Do You Catch a Cold?
The way most cold viruses are spread is not from others coughing or sneezing, but rather from hand-to-hand contact. Someone with a cold blows their nose then shakes your hand or swipes a banister or uses a pen you later handle.
However, if your immune system is operating at its peak, it will be much easier for your body to resist the virus. If your immune system isn't in good shape, you're inviting any virus that comes along to easily take hold in your body. So the easy answer is this, you catch a cold because your immune system isn't in good enough shape. Here's a short list of things that compromise your immune system.
1. Eating too many empty carbohydrates during the holidays instead of nutrient rich fruits and vegetables
2. Not getting enough rest
3. Excessive stress (a high holiday risk)
4. Vitamin deficiency
Vitamin Deficiency: Another Reason You May "Catch" a Cold
At Xyngular we have AXION™, a great sustained-release supplement with plenty of the goods that boost and strengthen your immune system.
In addition we have Super Fruit Global Blend™ and Xypstix™ with xanthones and aloe to load your body with antioxidants and immune-boosting benefits.
Excess weight makes cold symptoms much more disagreeable, so using Xyngular products to keep the weight down is another great way to prevent the aggravation of cold and flu symptoms.
Can You Help a Cold Go Away Faster?
Most regular colds last somewhere between eight and nine days. About 25 percent last two weeks, and 5-10 percent last as long as three weeks.
Doctors advise that as long as your temperature remains lower than 102 degrees Fahrenheit (38.9 degrees Celsius), you don't need to lower it with over-the-counter medications. In fact, over-the-counter cold medications can actually prolong your cold since they appear to lower the symptoms while they actually suppress the body's natural processes that sneeze, cough, and sweat the cold away as quickly as possible. Only use these medications when absolutely necessary.
Strategies to Kick a Cold
When you feel a cold or flu coming on, it's NOT the time to be loading in empty calories or sugary drinks and treats. Your immune system needs ramping up with extra Global Blend or Xypstix to help successfully combat an emerging infection.
Start by tweaking your diet and nutrition in favor of foods and supplements that will strengthen your immune response including:
• Fruits and vegetables...especially vegetables in your mother's homemade chicken soup. Make the soup with some extra pepper to help you sweat out the fever.
• An extra portion daily of Super Fruit Global Blend and Xypstix.
• Double up on AXION with all its whole-food extracts, vitamins, and extra ingredients with high ORAC scores.
• Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Water is essential to optimize every system in your body and help your nose stuffiness. It will help loosen everything so your secretions will pass more quickly. Drink enough water so that your urine is a light, pale yellow.
Four More Cold-Busting Strategies
1. Get plenty of high-quality sleep
As the days lengthen into winter, make sure you're getting an extra measure of restful sleep to prevent a hostile viral takeover. Your immune system works best when you're not sleep-deprived. And the more rest you get, the quicker you'll recover from a cold.
2. Regular Exercise
Regular, safe exercise is an essential strategy for boosting your immune strength and your disease resistance. One study found that those who exercised five or more days a week cut their risk of having a cold by almost 50 percent. And if they did get a cold, their symptoms were less severe.
If you're already sick don't overdo the exercise and stress your body. If you're coming down with a cold, tone down your regular workout and take a walk instead. Raising your body temperature slightly with moderate exercise may be beneficial.
3. Lower Your Emotional Stress
Emotional stress can invite an infection and make cold symptoms worse. While you're recovering, schedule more restful, calming activities.
4. Wash Your Hands Sensibly
Washing your hands regularly but not excessively is the easiest ways to wipe out germs and viruses and reduce your chances of colds and flu. While recovering, washing your hands frequently keeps you from spreading your cold to others.
When to Call a Doctor
Avoid taking antibiotics for a simple cold or flu. However, if your cold isn't handled well, it can become a sinus, ear, and lung infection such as bronchitis and even pneumonia. These are bacterial infections that do respond to antibiotics. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should call your doctor:
• Fever over 102 degrees Fahrenheit (38.9 degrees Celsius)
• Ear pain
• Pain around your eyes, especially with a green or yellow nasal discharge
• Shortness of breath or an uncontrollable, persistent cough
• Persistent coughing up green and yellow sputum
Generally, when you have a cold, you won't need medical care. If you take care of yourself with the above suggestions, you'll recover quickly and reduce your chances of catching another cold soon.
1. Share a series of short cold-prevention strategies on Facebook or in frequent emails to friends. Ask if they've heard about Global Blend, Xypstix, or AXION and how they help strengthen the immune system.
2. Build your own cold-prevention story for the year by following these guidelines and sharing how you prevented a cold or how you recovered more quickly than normal with the help of Xyngular products.
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