• Toss out anything with trans fats, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), or sugar as one of the top ingredients. Check salad dressings, spreads, peanut butter, and condiments for HFCS and added unhealthy fats. Replace them with better, more natural choices.
• Place treats and snacks out of view. Fill your cookie jar with dried fruit or whole grain pasta.
• Trade fruit juices and sodas for water and sparkling water. Fill your refrigerator and enjoy them throughout the day.
• Toss the temptations: chips, chocolate, crackers, cookies, ice cream, trail mix, kettle corn, candy, and packaged snacks.
• Shop smart for healthy snacks. At each shopping trip, let's look for delicious and healthy pantry-stuffers that we'll be happy to eat instead of the things we just threw away. Scour the Internet and grocery aisles for truly healthy snacks. Have a list in mind so whenever you shop you never run out of ideas. You may have to look for them at first, but soon you'll know right where to go to pick snack foods that make you feel great.
Many ideas for this and the other articles in this series were gathered from suggestions by Kathy Smith, a well-known fitness icon who has led the charge for exercising, losing weight, and eating healthy for over 30 years.
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