We need to recognize first and foremost that not all calories are created equal. A 300-calorie candy bar or soda is not the same as a healthy 300-calorie turkey wrap. Your body chemistry works completely differently when you have each of these foods. The sugary candy bar or soda will trigger insulin overload and be sent straight to your fat cells.
The high-protein wrap and other quality foods such as those on Jim Ayres shopping list will be metabolized much more slowly. We'll feel full longer. They will help us maintain our muscle tone. We'll maintain a higher metabolism and have better blood sugar balance. All the best energizing and calming benefits are chemically triggered by real food.
And quality food doesn't have to cost more. What would you save if you could cut down on the signals your brain sends you to "eat more, eat more"? What would you save if you could feel full longer? What would you save if you could resist temptations more easily? What would you save if your clothes fit you the same all the time?
The next time you start thinking about something you crave and how many calories it has, think instead about getting something of much higher quality…you're worth it. It will actually cost you less.
Many ideas for this and the other articles in this series were gathered from suggestions by Kathy Smith, a well-known fitness icon who has led the charge for exercising, losing weight, and eating healthy for over 30 years
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