When you are new to the business, you may want to start by “borrowing presentations.” You do this by watching the experts and learning: videos on the website, doing 3-way calls with your sponsor, inviting your friends to a conference call (e. g. corporate opportunity meeting), or inviting your mentor to do a meeting for you.
When your mentor does the meeting for you, you’ll start by welcoming and thanking your prospects for taking the time to hear what you know will be so important for them. Tell them your personal success story with the products and opportunity (or borrow success stories from others). Then simply tell your friend(s) how wonderful the person is that they’ll be hearing from and turn the time over to your more experienced mentor. Together you can answer questions and enroll them in the business. It works that way for 3-way calls as well.

There are three ways to learn to master the art of excellent presentations: (1) learn, (2) model and (3) teach.
Even though you may be a great public speaker and be willing to give your presentations on your own right from the start, it’s smart to go through all three of these steps yourself. Why? Because you’ll be training new Distributor of all kinds with many levels of confidence, and you want insure their success. That means going through the process yourself that you’ll want them to go through.
#1: Learning From the Best How To Do Presentations
As a new Distributor, you’re going to be doing a lot of listening and learning. You’re going to want to be on a lot of corporate calls, listen in on a lot of Morning Shows, attend all the Eat N Cheats you can, and do as many 3-way calls as you can possibly schedule with different people in your upline and on your team. You’re looking for the leaders in this business that you want to model. You’ll read about key leaders in the ConneXions and the Momentum, and you’ll pick the most successful to pay closest attention to and follow their lead.
#2: Modeling the Best Presentations
Some top Distributors actually record presentations of the best in the business and listen to them over and over in their cars as they drive around. They learn to model their favorite expressions and their enthusiasm. They even learn to deliver their best jokes.
Modeling is easy if you listen every week to the corporate opportunity calls…or every morning to the Morning Show given by Stan Townsend and his team. These calls just get better and better because the team works together to keep things more and more exciting and lively. They’re modeling each others’ enthusiasm. They’re adding new testimonials as they read about them in the ConneXions. They’re creating real momentum and training all their new people as they go. New people are “borrowing” their enthusiasm … their “music.”
Once you listened to the best presenters over and over, you’re ready to try the presentations yourself. It may feel a bit awkward at first, because you’re breaking into the new world of tailoring each presentation to the needs and interests of your prospects. You’ll be adding your own stories throughout the presentation and making each presentation more personal and compelling. You’ll learn to ask questions to keep your prospects focused and help them understand your ideas better.
#3. Teaching the best presentations
You haven’t become a great presenter until you can teach others to give great presentations. You’ll know you’re ready for this step when you catch others modeling you. Here’s where you start helping others give 3-way calls. You invite your new Distributors to let you do the Eat N Cheats for or with them. When you teach you really begin to master the art of excellent presentations.
1. When you’re starting out as a new Distributor, schedule your life around listening and learning from the best. Schedule your life around weekly conference calls, morning shows and 3-ways calls. And attend every Eat N Cheat and opportunity meeting you can.
2. Get recordings of the best opportunity calls you can and listen to them over and over in your car. You can copy them onto your MP3 player or burn them onto disks from the recorded calls you listen to from the website. Then you can listen to them throughout your day or in your car as you drop the kids off at soccer games. This is modeling.
3. As you recruit, put a lot of emphasis on getting your people plugged in to 3-ways, conference calls, and morning shows. Do a lot of meetings for them and talk afterwards about what they liked best and what questions would add more to the meetings.
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