According to Dr. Oz, “You have nine known hormones that tell you to eat more and fourteen that tell you to stop eating.” A correct balance of hormones helps you stay at your perfect weight. But stress, genetics, too little exercise, and too much of the wrong types of food can affect your hormone balance and disrupt dramatically your ability to control your appetite.
We don’t need a PhD in hormones to appreciate how wonderful Xyngular® products are, yet it’s still interesting to learn how Xyngular products help bring them into balance. Here are some of the key hormones and chemical processes that work in your body to help you regulate your weight.

This is a protein secreted by stored fat. It shuts off your hunger and stimulates your body to burn more calories. When your body doesn’t make leptin correctly or you become leptin resistant, you don’t have the main shut-off switch for hunger. You eat and eat and eat and still are hungry. You have to reprogram this hormone by choosing foods that help you feel full longer. The IGNITE meal plans developed by Jim Ayres are designed to create a normal balance of leptin and minimize leptin resistance.
Foods that are high in fructose, like HFCS, are not only a huge source of empty calories, but they keep you from being able to shut off your hunger. They overwhelm your liver, and lead to inflammation not only in your liver but also in your arteries and in your immune system. Eating a diet that’s high in carbs, especially empty carbs makes you leptin resistant and keeps you hungry.
This is the stress hormone. When you are chronically stressed, you’ll have too much cortisol. You won’t be getting enough corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), which decreases your desire to eat. Elevated cortisol levels also reduces your insulin sensitivity so diabetes becomes more likely. Metabolism slows. Blood pressure rises. There are ingredients in XYNG™ that help you manage stress and stop the dangerous unbalanced cycle of unmanageable stress that leads to weight gain.
Your pancreas secretes insulin so that glucose from your food gets transported into muscle and you have enough energy. Insulin works like leptin. It tells you to eat less. But when you become insulin resistant because of too much insulin pumping through your body, it gradually stops controlling your hunger. The first two days on the IGNITE program drops your insulin to zero because you’re eating nothing but protein. Your body adjusts to a more normal insulin pattern, and your body becomes a fat burning machine.
The more of this hormone you have, the lower your weight and body fat (especially belly fat). It helps your muscles switch on the fat-burning and switch off the appetite. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory hormone that naturally increases the more weight you lose. A high fiber diet and the CHEAT products help turn on adiponectin and normalize this important hormone.
Dr. Oz calls grehlin the “gremlin,” the hormone of hunger. Your stomach and intestines release this chemical when they’re empty. It’s released in waves about every 20 to 30 minutes. Grehlin is a short-term hormone that can easily be trumped by leptin. That’s why you want to keep your leptin high by eating the right kinds of foods (like nuts) if you’re trying to lose weight. You also want to eat small portions and snacks so the “gremlin” of grehlin never has a chance to drive you crazy. By having a LEAN Shake handy at all times, you can keep hunger and cravings from taking over your life while you’re losing weight.
Feel-good Hormones
Hormones like serotonin, dopamine, GABA, nitric oxide and norepinephrine are our feel-good hormones. People who crave “mood foods” find that a crazy, emotional yo yo cycle starts to happen. They eat an empty, quick-energy food like a roll, chips, candy bar, quart of ice cream, bowl of pasta, mountain of mashed potatoes, or soda to get a quick rush of feel good hormones.
The empty starches convert immediately to sugar in your body. So when you eat either sugar or starches you get what some call a “sugar high.” But these foods move too quickly through the digestive tract so you have a “sugar crash” and begin very soon to crave more comfort foods.
IGNITE™ helps you to break the cycle by giving you slow-moving proteins for the first two days, and then introducing you to a balanced protein/carb diet. You learn to choose vegetables, fruits and other foods with plenty of natural plant fiber, healthy fat and protein. Your goal is to keep your feel-good hormones in a steady, balanced state. This minimizes the emotional highs and lows that make you crave empty carbs.
You can also work on greater life balance and emotional control through getting enough sleep, relaxation, exercise, meditation, prayer, etc.
1. Watch for a discussion of some of these hormones in the Dr. Oz show and various weight loss articles and use your understanding to help share information about Xyngular products with those who understand the science.
2. In addition to taking Xyngular products, use the suggestions in this article about reducing stress, getting enough sleep, and eating right. You’ll see your weight maintenance improving.
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