That's why Xyngular promotes so many events ... Sundance, XYNGFETE, XYNGFEST, Regional Meetings, 50K Cruises, etc. There's always an opportunity to promote and set goals to attend the next event.
At a convention a new Distributor sees first hand that Xyngular is unlike any other. The laws of their former job or industry just don't apply. They suddenly get it into their heads that they themselves can be enormously successful by following the simple rules of the business. They see showcased throughout the weekend the most successful leaders who are just ordinary human beings but have simply applied the laws of success at Xyngular to become hugely successful. Their belief window opens instantly.
Before the even they battled the negativity from their friends and family members who knew nothing about the rules of success at Xyngular. After the convention they have a new set of heroes, a new set of role models, a new set of trusted advisors, a new set of philosophies and attitudes, and a new set of behaviors.
At an event your new Distributors begin to see the big picture, and their beliefs change. They get to see the corporate officers and field leaders up close and personal. They are sometimes introduced to new products, incentives and programs. They hear from leaders who are on fire about helping the new programs explode into action. They gather success stories from other Distributors and leaders.
At these events some leaders will host small goal-setting sessions, which can be critical for their team's success. What happens before meetings, between meetings and after meetings can be just as important as what happens at the meetings.
When new Distributors return home from an event, they're supercharged. They're running on a completely different grade of high octane fuel.
Every so often Xyngular will make an announcement about new things that will be happening at the next event. As soon as you get the word, blast it out to your people with your personal endorsement. The ones who are already signed up will use your enthusiastic endorsement to get someone in their downline to come with them. The ones who are still undecided will have another reason to make a decision to come.
The next Xyngular event will be the best one ever held. It will be the first of its kind, a once-in-a-lifetime event. Don't miss the huge financial opportunity to get as many of your team there as possible.
1. Go online and get yourself registered for XYNGFLING if you haven't already. It's important to do it early both for the cost savings and for the example you set for your people. Register by clicking here.
2. Announce everywhere that you have signed up.
3. Keep reminding and contacting your team members who don't sign up right away.
4. Set team goals for getting as large a number as possible to the next event.
Start Today!
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