I have previously had stomach issues with ulcers and hernias. After being hospitalized with a bleeding ulcer in October 2011, my doctor told me something had to change. He said no more coffee, soda, spicy food, and a whole list of things. I couldn't believe it. I lived for my pot of coffee and spicy food every day! I had three different meds they wanted me to take. I filled only one out of the three and took it for a week. Of course it didn't do anything for me. So I went 10 miserable days with a horrible headache from caffeine withdrawl.
I knew I had to do this for my health. Since October 2011 I guess you could say I have been "Going Green"! I started cooking much healthier, using organic products, using essential oils to treat my kids colds and fevers, etc. So when Dixie told me about this new product that was all natural, I was all about learning more! I became a Distributor that night!
My first day of IGNITE™ I had so much energy, and I felt fantastic! I lost 7 pounds and 7 inches!
I posted once on Facebook and got 27 responses! I was overwhelmed, I had no idea what I was doing let alone telling someone else what to do! I called Kristi Welch. Can I just say she is a saint!
She calmed me down, and helped me do conference calls and tastings. My first 30 days Kristi helped me understand the business end of Xyngular. I posted my husband's results on Facebook and had another huge response! People are loving Xyngular because its all natural and because it is quick weight loss!
Xyngular has changed my life! I have a ton of energy without having to drink a pot of coffee every day! This product has made me a better wife, mom, friend ... an overall better person.
I love to share Xyngular with everyone I know and everywhere I go! There are people in this world, who think if the doctor tells them to take a pill, they have to be on it without asking questions or trying to get healthier so they can go off it. I want those people to know that we don't necessarily have to live on pharmaceutical meds with all their side effects the rest of our lives. There are natural products out there like Xyngular's, and they're "AmaXYNG"!
- Cacye Freyensee
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