miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

"Xyngular® is really a health and wellness program"

Showing pictures like these is definitely something I normally would NOT do, but I strongly believed in the Xyngular program, and I just had to show my friends the proof!

I really didn't feel that I was overweight, but I knew I had several trouble spots that needed some attention. 

In just 8 days I lost 5 pounds and 12.5 inches total...with 3.5 inches off my waist, which has always been my biggest trouble spot! 

I can feel and you can see an overall change as the pounds and inches are just melting away. 

For me this was not a diet. There were several days when I had a hard time eating all the food I was supposed to eat. 

Xyngular is really a health and wellness program, and I am DEFINITELY on my way to a healthier, happier me! 

- Kristina Barrett Klamberg 



Start Today! 

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