It was all planned out, and I was as ready as you can be to go. I decided that I would look into having the weight loss surgery, and I was on Facebook at the same time. I saw Kristi's mom's before-and-after pictures! I did a litt le more research, and it was a done deal! I called Kristi what did I really have to lose?
I called Kristi and asked her if she had the IGNITE™ for me. I went over to get it. I was so miserable that people were scared of me. I was, as Kristi would put it, "the tough girl In town that people DON'T mess with." And that is really being nice!
I started my 8-day IGNITE program that next day. I was feeling really good that next day! By day three I couldn't shut up about it! I was posting it on Facebook, and I was telling everybody who talked to me how much energy I had! I was helping my family move, and they were wondering what I was on because I was happy and giddy! I couldn't stop laughing, and I truly felt so much better! By day 4 my pants got a lot BIGGER and everybody wanted to know what I was doing!
So I called Kristi and asked her to come tell all of US what I was doing! At that party everybody who walked in to learn, walked out hoping for a better life! They all started and have done very well!
I sleep better too! I just had twins, and I was a walking zombie! When I'm awake I'm awake! When I'm a sleep I'm getting good sleep!
My back procedure was canceled! I'm off of my depression and anxiety pills! I'm off my high blood pressure pills! I CHANGED MY LIFE in 7 days! My kids are proud of me! And my hubby can't get enough of me! People want that in their lives, and that is what I wake up to everyday!
I CHANGE LIVES for a living and help people get what they had lost back! Everybody wants what we have. They what I have become, and I couldn't hide it if I wanted to!
I have a very loving husband, my cheerleaders Kristi and John Welch, and my awesome team. What got me to reach my goal was helping others, being passionate about what is going on in THEIR lives, and being a CHEERLEADER to my people every day!
I can't wait till my new people start posting and messaging me every day! I always have a new "project." My hubby calls them my little strays! I love to help people! I'm going to save the world one person at a time. Of course I was doing it secretly before because I had a reputation to protect. But now that I've lost my weight, I proudly say that I save people's lives (in bulk) for a living! I am so blessed! I love my life, and it has just begun! I'M SEXY AND I KNOW IT!
- Tiffany King
Start Today!
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