martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

What is the Promise of your Future?


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How to shape your attitude for increased success

Your attitude is going to be a major factor in your success or failure.
Most people take action based primarily on how they feel. Their emotions make them do some things and not others. Your true feelings about Xyngular® will have a huge impact on your success. How you feel about a lot of other things also comes into play.
Jim Rohn offers powerful insights into how our attitudes are formed and shaped. The following are a few of his major points.

1. How you feel about the past
All of us come to this business with our own unique past—failures, successes, relationships, disappointments, and experiences.
You can roll the past up like a newspaper and beat yourself over the head with it saying, "If only I had done this or that, my life would be better." You don't want to relive your past like this.

Treat your past like a school from which you can learn and become better. Just study your result and redirect your actions. Invest your experience and knowledge in the future. The past has given you an education no one can take from you. If it has been harsh, rejoice today; because, through that experience, you've become better prepared for the future.

2. How you feel about the future
The power to anticipate and work toward a future is an awesome force unique to the human race. That amazing ability is helping you right now to understand this article. You have the amazing ability to take inspiration and a well-designed future and invest time and energy to make it happen...but only because you can see it in your mind's eye.

The future holds a priceless treasure for you called "the promise." There is always a price to pay to achieve this promise, but the price will appear easier to you as the promise becomes stronger in your mind and belief. In other words, if you can create a strong and well-designed future, the price you have to pay will become easier. Any time you are struggling or discouraged, revisit the promise of your own future to help you become more willing to pay the price today.

On the other hand, if the promise is weak, the price becomes almost impossible to pay. If you can't see much meaning in your daily business habits, if they're not pulling you toward your own well-defined future, the price will become almost too great to bear. Only when you make your future and its pull on you sufficiently strong, will it carry you through the inevitable adversity you're sure to encounter.

3. How you feel about others
None of us can succeed alone. We need ideas, inspiration, strength, work and encouragement from others. We only become truly powerful when ALL of us understand how truly valuable EACH of us is. We also become much more powerful when EACH of us humbly understands how valuable ALL of us are.

4. How you feel about yourself
Understanding your own self worth is always the first step to accelerated progress. A philosopher once said, "When you see a man as he is, he only becomes worse. But when you see a man as he could be, he becomes what he should be." Look within yourself. What is your potential?

At Xyngular, we believe that the highest view of what you could be is what you should be. If you could be a leader, you should be one. If you have the capacity to help thousands of people reach their optimal weight, health and financial freedom, then you should help them do it. If you know you can change the health of millions, and you do nothing to move it forward, you are committing a crime by omission.

In the language of his "modern man," the German philosopher Rollo May says this, "I'm just a collection of mirrors, reflecting what everyone else expects of me." How sad, but how true for far too many. Decide not to allow other people's negative or low expectations of you to become a reality. You have to expect great things from yourself. The following high-impact quotes from Jim Rohn sums it up:

"The only limitation placed on our abilities is our inability to easily recognize our unlimited nature. It takes effort to become aware of our staggering and limitless abilities."

"It takes effort to learn to love ourselves...especially when we are so consciously aware of our failures, doubts, and tragedies. It does not, however, take effort to fail. It requires little else than a slowly deteriorating attitude about our present, our future, and about ourselves." 

"It is ironic that one of the few things in this life over which we have total control is our own attitudes, and yet most of us live our entire life behaving as though we had no control whatsoever."
"By our attitude, we decide to read, or not to read. By our attitude, we decide to try or give up. By our attitude, we blame ourselves for our failure, or we foolishly blame others."
"Our attitude determines whether we love or hate, tell the truth or lie, act or procrastinate, advance or recede, and by our own attitude, we and we alone, actually decide whether to succeed or fail."
Jim Rohn, The Seasons of Life

1. Take your own personal attitude survey. Ask yourself how you feel about your past, your future, others, and yourself. Take the ideas of this article and write what modifications you may need to make to shape the attitude that will give you what you want out of Xyngular. 

2.Read the 5 quotes from Jim Rohn at the end of the article one more time. How would you define your own "staggering and limitless abilities?"

3. Describe in your own words what effort it will take for you to polish up your attitude.


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Xyngular® 90-Day Body Transformation Challenge Commitment #10: I will start each day with breakfast

It's just as important when you eat as what you eat. Consistent weight management always starts with breakfast. Eating breakfast within the first hour of getting up can work wonders on your fat-burning metabolism and how you lose weight and keep it off.
You've undoubtedly heard this advice before, but you may not know why it is so important.

After seven to eight hours of sleep, breakfast is like the switch that turns on your metabolism and sets the levels for your blood sugar, your energy, and even your mood for that entire day. Research has confirmed over and over that skipping breakfast makes weight control much harder. 

It's proven that those who skip their morning meal eat more at the next meal. Their body chemistry will push them to eat higher-calorie snacks to satisfy their mid-morning cravings. They'll struggle with low energy and sleepiness in the late afternoon. It's also been proven that they'll have a harder time than the breakfast eaters fitting the most important nutrients into their diet.

Here's something else to understand: The fuel for your brain is glucose—you need it to think, walk, talk, and accomplish virtually everything you do. Without breakfast, virtually everything you do will be harder to accomplish, including exercise. 

When your body and especially your brain go a long time without fuel, your body chemistry reacts naturally by going into a "saving mode" and slows down your metabolism. When non-breakfast-eaters finally do eat, they're virtually all going to overeat. The body adds more fat when we eat fewer, larger meals, so we're much better off eating breakfast even if we may not feel hungry.
The Xyngular Commitment for today: eat a wholesome breakfast. Not only will it help your weight and cholesterol control, but it will also our improve concentration, our problem-solving ability, our memory, and our mood. We also set ourselves up for much better eating habits throughout the day.

Many ideas for this and the other articles in this series were gathered from suggestions by Kathy Smith, a well-known fitness icon who has led the charge for exercising, losing weight, and eating healthy for over 30 years. 


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sábado, 25 de febrero de 2012

Friend or Foe


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How to IGNITE your businesses with tools you carry everywhere

We had so much FUN on the 50K Getaway Cruise!
XYNG™ samples, fliers, business cards, and IGNITE™ brochures are tools you take everywhere so you're prepared to share whenever you strike up a conversation. A tool is like another voice, telling your contact that you have a real business backing you up. 

But don't just leave a pile of fliers or business cards lying around. Whenever you hand off any tool, it's vitally important to put value on it before you give it to them. Otherwise they're not likely to read it. You'll get back to them, and they'll say, "I haven't looked at it yet." If you hear that, you'll know you haven't done your job giving your advertisement for the tool. You'll increase your odds tremendously if you put value on it. 

Tell them something like this, "Because of what you have in your hand right now, in only a few months people on our team are making hundreds of dollars a month part-time. Some are making as much as $10 and $15k a month. And the same kind of thing is starting to happen for me as well. It's incredible. You need to take a look at it." It won't matter how much you're making right now. Maybe you only made $50 last month. But if you are following the Xyngular system, this will be happening for you. 

But if you learn to tell your story that way, telling them that it's starting to happen for you like it is for others, then you won't have to explain exactly how much money you're making right now while you're building your own check stories. You'll never have to answer the question from your parents or your brother-in-law, "How much money are you making?" It will never come up.

Always point to a tool when you're talking to someone. Say, "because of what's in this little brochure, a friend of mine lost 100 pounds in 90 days. It's amazing. And I've been losing as much as 5 pounds a week."
When you place value on a tool, your odds are 3 to 5 times higher that they'll read it. If you follow up and they still haven't looked at it, give a similar story. Tell them that because of what they're going to read in that brochure or see on the Xyngular website, that same thing could happen to them.

XYNG samples make all the difference in some people's businesses because they're easy to give away, contacts feel obligated to try them, and then they feel obliged to respond to your call when you follow-up. It's far more likely to have someone enroll when they've been given a sample than it is when they've just had a phone call or a personal contact alone.

Again, make sure you give XYNG its own advertisement and follow-up, or it will just sit in the medicine cabinet for some long-forgotten day when it gets tossed. XYNG is such a compelling name and gets such quick results, that it's easy to remember how you felt when you first tried it. But be sure to follow up within the first day after you gave away the sample.
It's great to leave behind a tool when you're in a hurry. It gives you a reason to follow up and get them into a 3-way call. The urgency actually increases their curiosity in what you've given them. They're more likely to respond positively when you call. 

1. Print off enough fliers from your back office to hand out 3 a day for a week. Order enough IGNITE brochures so you have plenty on hand. Order business cards. Order some extra XYNG to hand out as samples.

2. Practice your ad for the tools and samples you hand out. Then monitor the response when you call back. How many people read the brochure or went to the website. Change up your ad until you can maximize its effectiveness and help new Distributors with their ads as well.


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Xyngular® 90-Day Body Transformation Challenge Commitment #9: I will get enough sleep

Sleep deprivation, like stress, is linked to many negative consequences from high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity to a greater tendency toward depression, heart attack, and stroke.
To get through these 90-days successfully, we all need to make sleep a priority. Researchers are telling us that a good night's sleep is just as important to great health and long life as a healthy diet and our exercise habits. There's a strong connection between healthy amounts of sleep and our ability to lose weight.

Again, it's about the hormones. The more we sleep the better our body regulates the hormones that determine hunger and appetite.
By now we've all heard of the digestive hormones ghrelin and leptin and how they work with each other to control our hunger. Our stomach secretes ghrelin when it's empty, telling our brain that we're hungry. When we've had enough of the right quality foods, leptin sends our brain the opposite message so we quit eating.

When we don't get enough sleep, our ghrelin and leptin go out of balance. Our brain's chemistry doesn't get the message that we're full. So we eat and eat and wonder why we're gaining weight. 

One University of Chicago study showed that when people were only permitted four hours of sleep a night for two nights, they had a 20 percent drop in leptin and an increase in ghrelin.

They also had a 23% increase in appetite. They were 33 to 45 percent more likely to favor calorie-dense, high-carbohydrate foods that store fat...things like sweets, salty snacks, and starchy foods.
We can't underestimate the weight-loss power of a good night's rest. Sleep has many other benefits too, like strengthening our immune system, helping us feel more energetic, and keeping our mind and memory sharp.
We get more growth hormone during sleep, which helps our cells repair and renew themselves. Growth hormone also helps us control our body's ratio of fat to muscle. Sleep plays a major role in how we age and how healthy we "look" (think skin). During sleep the heart gets an opportunity to slow down and rejuvenate itself.

When we have to get less sleep or our sleep is interrupted, it's important to take extra care for what you eat the next day. We need to focus even more on lean proteins like fish, eggs, or turkey that keeps us satisfied until your next meal or snack. Then we need to take some extra time that evening to relax so we can count on a better night's sleep.
Many ideas for this and the other articles in this series were gathered from suggestions by Kathy Smith, a well-known fitness icon who has led the charge for exercising, losing weight, and eating healthy for over 30 years. 


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"I want to be healthier and have more energy to keep up with my little one"

Brandon Bauer was the second-place winner for January in the 90-Day Body Transformation Challenge. He won an IGNITE™ pack.

The 90-Day Body Transformation Challenge has motivated me to lose weight and be healthier.
The best thing about taking XYNG™ is fact that you don't have to work out if you don't want to or don't have time...but you still have the ability to lose the weight that you desire. XYNG has been a huge help in getting me through my long 12-hour shifts. 

My goals for the rest of February and March are to continue on the path that I'm currently on. My goal is to reach 220 pounds by my birthday in May. I have not been there since 2001, so I'm looking forward to reaching my goal. I want to be healthier and have more energy to keep up with my little one.

I try to motivate others to feel the energy increase that I have. I use myself as an example of how well the products work. There is nothing hard about it. You just have to commit, stay strong and follow through. If you do, you will definitely see the results that you are looking for. 


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"Xyngular® has given me and my family hope for a healthy future"

Kim Lapo was the First Place Winner for January in the 90-Day Body Transformation Challenge. This means she will receive $500 plus a free IGNITE™ pack.
Wow! I was absolutely stunned as I listened to Marc Walker's voicemail letting me know I had won the January 90-Day Body Transformation Challenge! I had to listen to it three times. Then I had my husband listen to it to make sure my ears weren't deceiving me! I am so incredibly excited with the products, the company and the business opportunity. I can't stop talking about it!

I first heard about Xyngular® in August when I saw my friend and sponsor, Kasey Frost, in our home town. Even though I was skeptical, I continued to watch her posts on Facebook and how she answered questions about Xyngular.
In December I decided that I had nothing to lose but weight, because the products were 100% guaranteed. I ordered the IGNITE and it came in right before Christmas. Kasey added me to the Facebook groups: XYNG™ It! and Xyngular Works. Thanks to Kasey and all the great leaders in those groups, I was able to print off resources and documents to help me prepare for my first 8-day IGNITE. 

Kasey also sent me information on the 90-Day Body Transformation Challenge and encouraged me to enter.
After two days on Xyngular's products, my weight started coming off, and my inches started melting away. I lost 13 pounds and 14.5 inches in my first 8 days. My friends, family and co-workers started noticing right away. I continued to lose weight and inches throughout the month...a total of 24 pounds and 29.5 inches. I even had to buy new clothing to wear to work because I dropped two sizes in just one month!

My initial goals in January were (1) to refer Xyngular to four friends, (2) earn my Fast Start bonus and (3) lose weight. I am excited that I was able to reach all three goals so easily. I made time to listen to training calls with Jill Yacobucci. I scheduled my first Eat-'n'-Cheat with incredible leaders—Cala Stadel, Jayna Dyers, and Kasey Frost.
Then I also listened to many of Xyngular's product and training calls each week.
I am a school social worker, so I deal with stress and crisis on a daily basis. Thanks to Xyngular's products, I had energy, mental focus and the willpower to continue to make new and healthy food choices. 

People around me were able to see my lifestyle change because I was a walking billboard for Xyngular. My family, friends and co-workers are still watching my progress, asking me questions, and encouraging me along my weight-loss journey.
Although my husband was skeptical at first, he is completely supportive of me now. He has Type II Diabetes and has also started using the products. We hope he'll be able to get his blood sugar back within normal ranges and not have to rely on all of the medications he has to take to regulate his blood sugar. 

My boys are so excited with my increased energy and weight loss. They share Xyngular with their friends and talk about it wherever we go. 

My goals for February and March are to add exercise three to four days a week and lose 40 pounds by March 31st at the end of the 90-Day Challenge. 

I also plan to reach Gold Manager by the end of March by continuing to listen to business training calls, using the tools available to share Xyngular and helping my team reach their goals. I love Xyngular and how it has given me and my family hope for a healthy future!

I was extremely grateful to be selected as January's winner. Thank you!


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miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012

It's healthy... But will they LIKE IT


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How to use team goals, assignments and action steps

What gets us off our couch, out of the bag of potato chips, and into fantastic Xyngular® momentum? Others. If we want our activities to start lining up with our dreams and desires...our WHY, then we want to get together with others who are also excited and have similar dreams and desires.

The first 72 hours

Your first 72 hours after you sponsor someone is critical, because if they don't start doing the things they need to do quickly to succeed, they'll start to feel like Xyngular won't work for them. They'll start to feel that they're not good enough. They'll start feeling guilty. Other things they have to do will start nagging at them, and they'll get distracted...then they'll give up.
Our brains start pulling us away when our body's aren't doing something that brings results. 

We need to set each new Distributor on a serious course of action right away. We need to get them into a "Daily Method of Operation (DMO)." We need to get them to shut off the TV or online games and start going where their goals are. We need to get them into a goal and accountability process where they can physically see the numbers they're achieving and watch themselves make undeniable progress. If they see too many zeros on a sheet, they'll start to become frustrated. Their daily method of operation needs to be in alignment with their lifestyle, their values and their WHY. 

If not they'll slip right back into less important but urgent things. The fire and passion will get smothered by thousands of small things. 

It's not hard to make a contact list, get on scheduled 3-way calls with your sponsor, and start following a daily method of operation. But what's easy to do is also easy not to do. So we don't do the simple habits consistently that compound over time to make us successful.

That's why it's important for each new Distributor to get together with an accountability partner and call him or her every single day, especially at first, to find out what's happening and keep a 3-way call schedule. Don't use text or email for accountability. It's not motivating enough. Make at least a daily phone call.

What's toughest about tough homework is not doing any

Remember how you felt about homework in high school or college. Was it a necessary evil? Did you come to appreciate having done it when it came time for finals? At Xyngular the reason you want to give yourself and others some tough assignments is because you know how your life will change when you actually accomplish the assignments.

Your parents probably told you, "do the hard things in your life first, and your life will be easy. Do the easy things first, and your life will be hard." Because at Xyngular no one has a boss, we have to be our own boss, our own parents, and help each other get into those daily methods of operation. And it has to be done so we don't get stressed out and have fun doing it. For most people that requires doing things together…as a team. There is power in the word, "let's." "Let's go do it," is much more powerful than "you go do it."

The most successful teams at Xyngular understand this principle. They understand that if they don't have group goals, and team accountability their momentum will flounder. Watch any sports movie and you'll understand. People on any team will work harder for a group goal than they will for a goal they set all by themselves. They'll do more together than they'll do alone. This is a powerful concept. It's important to get your team together and get a consensus on goals. It's important that they be inspiring and ambitious yet realistic. 

Here's the final lesson...human beings will do far more with each other than they'll ever do alone. Setting up teams like this throughout your large organization will have the power to propel your income and theirs in an amazing way. Sending them or even yourself off to go it alone will lead to frustration, distraction, confusion, guilt, and resentment. 

1. List all the "one-team-one-dream" activities that are already scheduled at Xyngular and are part of the culture...conference calls, team meetings, eat 'n' cheat parties, 3-ways, morning shows, etc. Evaluate which ones do the best job for keeping you and your team motivated.

2. If you see the need, set additional team goal-setting and accountability systems up to help everyone stay motivated.

3. Whenever you sponsor someone, get their goals, their "why," their assignments, and an accountability system with them right away. Plug them into to the best team activities you have available. 


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"Xyngular® 90-Day Body Transformation Challenge Commitment #8: I will think quality not calories"

Let's face it, if we're stuck counting calories or measuring portions of specific foods during our 90-Day Challenge, we're far less likely to keep that up after the 90 days are over. It's time to change how we think about foods.

We need to recognize first and foremost that not all calories are created equal. A 300-calorie candy bar or soda is not the same as a healthy 300-calorie turkey wrap. Your body chemistry works completely differently when you have each of these foods. The sugary candy bar or soda will trigger insulin overload and be sent straight to your fat cells. 

The high-protein wrap and other quality foods such as those on Jim Ayres shopping list will be metabolized much more slowly. We'll feel full longer. They will help us maintain our muscle tone. We'll maintain a higher metabolism and have better blood sugar balance. All the best energizing and calming benefits are chemically triggered by real food.

And quality food doesn't have to cost more. What would you save if you could cut down on the signals your brain sends you to "eat more, eat more"? What would you save if you could feel full longer? What would you save if you could resist temptations more easily? What would you save if your clothes fit you the same all the time?
The next time you start thinking about something you crave and how many calories it has, think instead about getting something of much higher quality…you're worth it. It will actually cost you less.

Many ideas for this and the other articles in this series were gathered from suggestions by Kathy Smith, a well-known fitness icon who has led the charge for exercising, losing weight, and eating healthy for over 30 years


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"Xyngular®'s 50K Getaway was an amazing way to relax and enjoy paradise with such giving people"

Haiti was such a beautiful place to visit. The part of the island that we went to was like paradise. We loved seeing the sunrise, we loved relaxing on the beach with Dana and Mario. And then we loved the adventure of the zipline! 

I have to be honest though....visiting this island pulled at my heartstrings. Although the scenery is by far more beautiful than back home in Kansas, all of us are so blessed by the economic prosperity we enjoy. 

It made me want to grow my Xyngular® business even more because I can see how much the world needs giving people like all the Distributors that were on the trip. I know that we all will be able to bless the whole world in a big way because of the awesome compensation plan at Xyngular. 

I loved being on the trip and spending more time with our amazing leaders from Corporate and some of our biggest business builders in Xyngular. Being new to the industry, I always love the opportunity to learn from all of these great people. 

Once again Xyngular gave us such an amazing trip. We were able to relax and enjoy paradise on and off the ship. Bryan and I enjoyed our time to just get away and relax, and then have fun with the group when we wanted.
We thank Xyngular from the bottom of our hearts for the four awesome trips we have taken in the last seven months. With three little ones back home, it came at a much needed time. 

- Cara Rapp


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Earn a FREE Ipad 2 with Xyngular®'s "Spring into Sponsoring" Promotion!

As winter comes to an end and spring draws near, we want to celebrate Xyngular's EXTREME 2012 growth by announcing Xyngular's "Spring into Sponsoring Promotion!" 

The "Spring into Sponsoring Promotion" runs from February 21st through the 28th. If a Xyngular Distributor accumulates 2,500 PV in inception orders during the promotion period, they will win a FREE 16 gig iPad 2! And, to sweeten the deal and help new enrollees kickstart their Xyngular business, all new enrollees who sign up this week with an inception order of 360 PV and above will receive a FREE box of XYNG™ samples! Celebrate Spring by springing into sponsoring and win yourself a FREE iPad 2!

*To qualify, Distributors must sponsor new Distributors at a minimum 120PV inception order. A maximum of two Ipads can be earned by each distributor during this promotion with at least 5000 PV in inception orders. Enrollees are defined as Distributors 


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viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

How do they know you're not a flake?

Before your "like" or your link gets clicked or your idea gets read, a busy person is going to go through a quick, time-saving mental exercise to figure out if it's worth looking into a little deeper or even considering. 

Since it seems that almost everyone is now connected one way or another, lots of people we don't even know can get through to us with a deluge of noise, and just about everyone worth contacting is starting to become defensive about who and what they spend time glancing at. The message has to pass a few mental screens, like...

• Do I know this person?
• Did someone I trust send them to me? • Are there typos or grammar problems, and does the message look like it came from someone intelligent enough to bother with?
• Are they pestering me with some offer that's going to cost me money?
• Who else is involved with this person?
• Who referred them?
• Does it sound too good to be true?

All of these questions come up in our heads and get asked, even before the idea is analyzed...
Whatever we're trying to get across on Facebook, YouTube, email, text, or phone voice message; it pays to ask ourselves these questions to see how we would respond to the message if it were coming to us. It's like a billboard on the freeway. We've all seen messages that go by so fast and are so hard to figure out that we just ignore them completely and complain that they're wasted advertising.

The last question — Does it sound too good to be true? — is especially hurtful. Overselling is not only foolish because it simply isn't so, but because now, they've heard the quick weight loss or the quick money promises so often that overselling them will do two things: (1) Make sure that they click DELETE without reading anything more and (2) ignore all future messages from you. 

1. Take a moment to think of all the messages you put out there on Facebook, YouTube, email, text, or phone voice messages. Write them out. Then ask yourself the 7 questions in this article to see how well they pass the test. Adjust them according to the Golden Rule. 

2. Pay attention to how you respond to your email, Facebook, and other messages. What annoys you? What do you delete? Talk to friends and get their reactions too. Then adjust your messages accordingly.

3. Look at the messages you most frequently respond to. Ask yourself why. Keep a selection of the headlines or subject lines of the ones that grab your attention and satisfy you once you read the whole story. Do it like they do.

4. If you're planning an email or Facebook campaign to help grow your business, get to know more about the etiquette and best practices of these powerful marketing vehicles. Find a book at the library. Take an online class. Get yourself some skills so you don't fall into the trap of putting out stuff that turns people off. 


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Xyngular 90-Day Body Transformation Challenge Commitment #7: I will divorce mood from food

What happens on a stressful, exhausting, or boring day? When we get home all we want is a whole bag of chips or a pint of rocky road ice cream. Sometimes eating isn't about hunger at all. Eating by mood can be one of the most overwhelming issues for someone who has fought their weight all their lives.
In the heat of an emotional mood, it's hard to separate the physical need for food triggered by hunger from the emotional need triggered by an emotion. Sometimes it's boredom, anger, loneliness, sorrow, fear, frustration, or fatigue that control our responses to food.
We have to become aware of our personal mood/food connection by keeping a journal before we can resolve it. 

Kathy Smith has led many groups through weight loss programs and systems, and the most successful people are almost always those who faithfully journal how they feel before and after they eat. It's important to write our feelings down whenever we're driven by emotion to head to the kitchen for a binge. When we can record our trigger emotion and recognize it for what it is, we can identify the specific food or taste sensation we're after. We can become aware if it's because we're truly hungry or just trying to deal with a particular emotion.

For those of us who recognize that we are emotional eaters, it's important to write about how life is affecting how we eat and binge. We need notes about the days we go off track and respond to our emotional state with certain foods.

Your Xyngular team can be a great support for sharing frustrations and victories once you've identified them.
The goal is to get to the point that you no longer respond to negative feelings with a binge. Then you find some kind of substitution. For example, if you typically start getting cranky around 4:30 most afternoons and that triggers a binge on something you regret later, you may want to schedule a 20-minute walk or some other stress-releasing activity every day at that time and have a light snack ready afterwards. 

Many ideas for this and the other articles in this series were gathered from suggestions by Kathy Smith, a well-known fitness icon who has led the charge for exercising, losing weight, and eating healthy for over 30 years.


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"The 50K getaway cruise was worth every effort it took to win it...especially Jamaica"

I loved Jamaica! The chance to bond with my friends on the hike up Dunn's River Falls was exciting. It was a beautiful experience which I got to share with my son, Nico. 

It was a real picture of teamwork and what this company is all about. The effort to get to the top of the falls was worth the journey there, and we couldn't have done it without teamwork. We were all holding hands and supporting the ones below and at the same time following in the steps of the ones above. 

That's exactly how I got to the 50K cruise! I've always felt the support and leadership of my upline and this company's amazing top notch leadership. At the same time I've been reaching down and supporting my own downline. Both have been essential in building my business. 

I loved the opportunity to connect with and build relationships on a more personal level with our Xyngular® family. It was phenomenal for my husband Mike and me. The attitude continues to be "One Team...One Dream." Everyone is willing to offer suggestions, support, and ideas and share what they do to grow their businesses. 

While we were away playing in the sun, Xyngular commission checks were coming to us back at home. We came home rested and suntanned, and we were greeted with a stack of checks we took to the bank. It gave us even more motivation to keep sharing this opportunity with others. We came away with new friendships and ideas for growing our business. We love the generosity and strength of this company. It was worth the effort to earn the 50k getaway. It will affect our businesses well into the future. 

-Tami Castronovo


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martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

Do you have a Healthy Relationship Business?


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"There are many treasures, but the greatest of these is love"

When we get right down to our "why" for doing Xyngular®, when we make our dream board or our vision board, there are many things we can cut out and paste in place. But there one category of things that belong on our board that usually trumps them all. In our enthusiasm for paying off debt, having a little extra spending money, or making that car payment, let's not forget the most heart-felt reasons for all our hard work.

If someone were to tell you they wanted to grow their Xyngular business so they could afford a new car, you might want to ask them, "how would your spouse or your family feel about that car?" When we've asked that question, and they start to think about it deeply, we've often seen tears come to their eyes. We realize that the true "why" is not the car. It's the reason behind the car. It's something for the kids...a better life for them. It's a spouse's respect. It's that they want a "family business" to call their own. These are the heart-felt whys that usually come up if you search deeply enough. 

Your Xyngular business is about family
Here's an old saying that never grows old, "There are many treasures, but the greatest of these is love." A small apartment where love is is better than a mansion where there is loneliness. Relationships with those we love must be cultivated like a garden. It takes time, effort, imagination, and creativity to keep our most important relationships flourishing and growing. 

We all need to nourish the kinds of relationships on our way up that will stick with us on our way down, because life is full of ups and downs. True relationships insulate us from the devastation of the downs. 

Here's a good question for us to ask about our strongest relationships: If we were put in jail and falsely accused, who would we call? Why? How much would this friend spend to get us out of jail? How long would he or she try to get us out? As long as it takes? 

How do we develop and nourish such dedicated, devoted relationships? We do it with service and sacrifice. We spend the time. We listen. 

That's why Xyngular is such a great business...because it thrives on building relationships. We can't gather much wealth in this business without also developing the wealth of caring relationships. This business requires a sizable investment of our lives in other people...discovering their true needs and filling them. Fortunately for us we get to choose the people we want to work with...and they get to choose us. That makes us all so much better and happier. So give a little extra measure of love today. Remember, love is most often spelled T-I-M-E. 

1. Take a moment to re-evaluate "why" you're growing your Xyngular business. Answer the question, "how would it impact my loved ones if I really succeeded at this business?" Could you truthfully say that you're doing this business for one of these reasons: (1) To give my children chances for a better life, (2) to improve the respect I get from my spouse or significant other, or (3) to create a "family business for those I love. 

2. Take a quick inventory of your relationships. What small things could you do today to nurture and grow your most important relationships? How could you schedule these into your busy life?


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Xyngular 90-Day Body Transformation Challenge Commitment #6: I will find healthy substitutions for what I crave most

It isn't realistic to think that we won't be tempted to binge on our personal favorite salty, sugary, or fatty snack foods. But we can locate healthy substitutions. Even on Valentine's Day.

We can replace addictive foods with other options. Sometimes it's just the crunch or a texture we're after. If it's crunchy chips and dip that trigger our binges, we can try crunchy celery or sweet pepper slices with hummus or an all-natural, low-fat dressing. Maybe chewing something will take the edge off like sunflower seeds or almonds. If we're in a candy mood, we can try fruit with some string cheese or peanut butter to take the edge off our cravings. A delicious berry and LEAN smoothie with a drizzle of healthy fat like flaxseed or olive oil can do the trick. These healthy substitutions can save the day...even Valentine's Day.

Healthier Valentine "I love you" treats
1. Make an extra rich LEAN Shake with strawberries or cocoa powder and freeze it in heart-shaped molds.
2. Make the same shake, freeze in an ice-cube tray, and blend it for an easy sorbet. Add strawberries or other
berries on top and sprinkle with cocoa powder

3. Dark chocolate-covered strawberries or blueberries
4. Angel food cake with sugar-free icing 
5. A fruit bouquet with dark chocolate dipping sauce 
6. Dark cocoa over raspberries and nuts
7. Melt dark chocolate with a nut butter and dip apples or other fruit slices into it! 

Live the 10 percent rule

Once we've reached a goal weight, we can make a plan that uses healthier substitutes for our cravings 90 percent of the time, but lets us indulge in our favorite foods the other 10 percent. No food is totally bad and total deprivation can lead to hidden resentments and then binges. It is all in how much we eat. If we choose to eat...say...chocolate occasionally, then we can make it a rule to only eat it when we're away from home or at our special restaurant. If it's in the kitchen, it may be too much temptation.

After we've reached our 90-Day Body Transformation, we'll be ready to allow for occasional small portions of our favorite foods, and we'll know when to make a substitution instead.

Valentine ideas that say "I love you" without unhealthy treats
Sometimes it's best to find other ways of saying "I love you" without food. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

1. A hand-made card
2. Tickets to a hockey game
3. Jewelry
4. Flowers
5. A coupon book with things like movie tickets, a video game, a message, a bed-and-breakfast, a ski trip, a hike, etc.
6. Bubble bath, scented candles, and other spa supplies
7. Something active you can do together (bikes, dance lessons, etc.)
8. A healthy recipe cookbook
9. Get out Valentines Cards saved from former years and read them together

1. Make a list of the most notorious treats and snacks that you tend to binge on the most. Find substitutions and put them on your shopping list. Then purge your pantry of the most notorious treats and snacks. 

2. Circle the healthy treat ideas from this article you want to try. 

3. It's last-minute planning that sometimes gets us into trouble. Plan ahead for special events—anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, etc. and use some of these treat/gift ideas that help you stay clear of unhealthy treats. 


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"The 50K Getaway Was One of the Best Experiences of My Life!"

Xyngular Corporate leaders and Distributors have just returned from a life-changing 7 day Caribbean cruise. Oh, did we mention the cruise was paid for by Xyngular through our revolutionary Passport Program? It was truly an epic event, and we're excited to recap it in the upcoming ConneXions!

"The opening social is always a fun event on the 50K Getaway," said Xyngular President Marc Walker. "Our Distributors are so excited to have earned this free trip, and there is so much energy and enthusiasm. This cruise was no different, with Cynthia Evans and Stan Townsend starting the cruise off on the right foot with their awesome stories."

"Stan told us how excited he is about the growth in his organization but that he is even more excited about the quality of the leaders in his organization. He said 2012 will be a great year but that it will only be the beginning of what Xyngular is going to do!"
"To hear Cynthia talk about how in November 2010, she set a goal to have 100 autoships on her front line was so great," said Xyngular COO Glen Oliver. "Cynthia qualified for the Executive Bonus in November, grew 32% in January, and hit 100,000 GV in February by the 9th day of the month. It is just astounding!"

"I had the chance to go on the 50K Getaway for the second time, and it was every bit as great as the first," said Cynthia. "It was like bring with my friends and family. It's so fun to get to know our Corporate leaders and their wives, and I really appreciate the one-on-one time I get with them. It brings such a personal element to Xyngular. When I spoke at the opening social, I just encouraged everyone to set goals, sponsor wide, and go for it! This is a company where everyone can make money and everyone can succeed, and the cruise was a perfect example of it."

Xyngular's Passport Program was created to reward Distributors above and beyond cash payouts, and it builds unity and friendships that can't be created in any other way. That, said Marc Walker, is what makes these trips so enjoyable.
"We call Xyngular the 'One Team, One Dream' family," Marc said, "and on events like this, it really does feel like we're all united and working together to create and build something incredible."

Watch for future ConneXions to hear highlights and see photos of the cruise's stops in Haiti, Jamaica, and Cozumel! 


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"I started my 8-day IGNITE™, and I already feel better"

Here's the kind of news and photos we love to get when people start their IGNITE or 90-Day Body Transformation program. Just imagine the commitment Lexie Davis has for reaching her goals.
"These are the photos when I started my 8-day IGNITE on February 6, 2012. I weigh 144 and I'm aiming for losing 15-20 pounds this month.

"I've started a weight lifting program that I can rotate every 3 months, I have also started training for a run in April and for the first time since 2007 (after knee surgeries), I was able to do some squats with weights. I limited the weights to reduce stress on the patellar tendon and irritation to the torn ACL in the left knee. "Girls at work are asking me for help on losing weight, and I love it! 

"My old neighbor said I'm shrinking in all of my clothes and scrubs and that I need to breakdown and buy a new clothes. I'm not buying any clothes until I get to my goal weight :-) 

"Best of all, besides the weight loss, I feel better, I'm not drinking pop, and people keep carding me for everything! 

-Lexie Davis


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sábado, 11 de febrero de 2012

How to use your ConneXions

Our conference calls, our twice-weekly ConneXions, and our many get-togethers are all extremely important in our success at Xyngular®. Whether we're in an exciting positive period in our business or a discouraging downturn, the articles and calls are an essential part of keeping us on the path to our goals and dreams. We need to listen to training calls and read the ConneXion articles in times of great success so we can make sure our excitement doesn't take us off the proven tracks of our business. We need to listen and read in the down times so we can identify the principles we may have drifted away from that may have caused our downturn.

Stephen Covey tells us that we all have to think like pilots. Pilots are off course a large percentage of the time and are forced to constantly make little course corrections. This training is designed to help you make these course corrections and warn you against major distractions that could take you completely off course and ruin your business. For that reason, we all have to go through the fundamentals of success in this business many times. 

It's sad that most of us get our formal education when we are so young and immature. We could go to the best schools and get some of the best training in the world, but we don't appreciate it or use it to its full power because we don't have much experience. Most of us get a lot more out of on-the-job training as we come up against challenges in actual work situations.
We don't usually learn some things from our introductory Xyngular training until we are failing and discouraged. Then we listen to the next training call or read an article in the ConneXion and recognize the need to adjust ourselves to the key fundamentals of success. 

So even though we may think we understand what we are learning the first time through, we need to listen over and over and read over and over to recognize the key fundamentals we miss the first time through because of lack of experience. We'll listen in on a familiar conference call and say to ourselves, "I don't remember hearing that before." It's because our experience changes and opens us up. 

The fastest way to learn the fundamentals of success at Xyngular is to follow a process called PLAN-DO-REVIEW. High-energy people get excited when they first get started at Xyngular. They're eager to earn a lot of money quickly, they have great goals and high standards, and that's good. But bright, quick learners too often give our training calls and our ConneXion articles a quick glance or a one-time listen-in and say to themselves, "I already know that stuff. I'm not going to waste my time with it." Then all they do is do and do and do and do without stopping to review and then plan.

We all need to make ConneXions and conference calls a habit, not a single event. To maximize our training and our excitement with Xyngular over time, we need to constantly review and perfect what we are doing. We can only make money in this business if we are on a constant search to become better and better at what we do. That's what keeps us excited and growing and attracts others to the team. 

1. Schedule time twice a week to read through your ConneXions. Read the Action Steps and do what makes the most sense for you and your team. 

2. Even if you can't be on the live calls every week, carve out time to listen to the recorded calls so you keep that excitement you always hear on the calls churning in your brain. If you miss one week, you'll notice a difference. If you miss two weeks, your team will notice. If you miss more than that, everyone will begin to notice that you're not as plugged in to your business as you used to be.

3. Share what you hear and read with others and add your own excitement and enthusiasm to it. Apply at least a few of the Action Steps from the ConneXions every week. They only become effective in your business if they are shared and applied. Otherwise they're merely "nice reading" or "motivational rah rah." 


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90-Day Body Transformation Challenge Commitment #5: I will question my past habits

What have we done in the past when the snacks are passed around? Did we take one or half the bag? We may need to pass the whole bag in the future. 

Everyone has their most challenging snack food temptations that are most likely to trigger binges. It's much easier to say no to even one of our trigger foods than it is to stop a binge when it's in full throttle.
Some foods may need to be banished from the house because they're so dangerous to our personal health. There may be no way we can enjoy certain foods in moderation. It's easier to identify them and keep them out of the house.

Our old habits have created who we are today. That's why a journal can be so helpful, especially to record our feelings about the particular foods we eat...linked to our weight and exercise. When we keep even a brief record, we become more aware of our eating habits and patterns. 

People in Alcoholics Anonymous have learned and taught for years that if they can identify a habit, a negative emotion, or an addiction and put a name to it, they can begin to do something about it. When it isn't faced head-on, it remains hidden, and it remains a problem. 

1. Keep a snack or food journal so you can recognize and openly name your "trigger foods." 

2. Throw them away. Get them off your grocery lists. Keep them out of the house and replace them with snacks or foods you can more easily turn down.


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"Super Fruit Global Blend™ is helping my son."

My 10-year-old son Daniel Jesus has a Pervasive Disorder and Asperger's Syndrome. It's a type of Autism, but more manageable.
Before Daniel started taking the Xyngular Super Fruit Global Blend™, we had many problems at home. Because of his condition his behavior at home was much too aggressive. It was a problem taking him to school in the mornings because he was always in a bad mood. And his bad mood didn't stop when he got home either. 

I feel he has now achieved physical and mental health thanks to Global Blend. He concentrates better, does all his homework at school, doesn't behave so aggressively, and is much happier. 

- Mabel Ríos Maldonado


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Go to work in your JAMMIES


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martes, 7 de febrero de 2012

90 Day Body Transformation Challenge Testomonial!


People that start our 90 Day Body Transformation Challenge are blown away when they see their results. Most people lose 8 to 15 pounds in their first 8 days. This is Cala. She looks amazing dropping from a size 22 to a size 8

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