sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

How Your Hormones Affect Your Weight

According to Dr. Oz, “You have nine known hormones that tell you to eat more and fourteen that tell you to stop eating.” A correct balance of hormones helps you stay at your perfect weight. But stress, genetics, too little exercise, and too much of the wrong types of food can affect your hormone balance and disrupt dramatically your ability to control your appetite.

We don’t need a PhD in hormones to appreciate how wonderful Xyngular® products are, yet it’s still interesting to learn how Xyngular products help bring them into balance. Here are some of the key hormones and chemical processes that work in your body to help you regulate your weight.

This is a protein secreted by stored fat. It shuts off your hunger and stimulates your body to burn more calories. When your body doesn’t make leptin correctly or you become leptin resistant, you don’t have the main shut-off switch for hunger. You eat and eat and eat and still are hungry. You have to reprogram this hormone by choosing foods that help you feel full longer. The IGNITE meal plans developed by Jim Ayres are designed to create a normal balance of leptin and minimize leptin resistance.

Foods that are high in fructose, like HFCS, are not only a huge source of empty calories, but they keep you from being able to shut off your hunger. They overwhelm your liver, and lead to inflammation not only in your liver but also in your arteries and in your immune system. Eating a diet that’s high in carbs, especially empty carbs makes you leptin resistant and keeps you hungry.

This is the stress hormone. When you are chronically stressed, you’ll have too much cortisol. You won’t be getting enough corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), which decreases your desire to eat. Elevated cortisol levels also reduces your insulin sensitivity so diabetes becomes more likely. Metabolism slows. Blood pressure rises. There are ingredients in XYNG™ that help you manage stress and stop the dangerous unbalanced cycle of unmanageable stress that leads to weight gain.

Your pancreas secretes insulin so that glucose from your food gets transported into muscle and you have enough energy. Insulin works like leptin. It tells you to eat less. But when you become insulin resistant because of too much insulin pumping through your body, it gradually stops controlling your hunger. The first two days on the IGNITE program drops your insulin to zero because you’re eating nothing but protein. Your body adjusts to a more normal insulin pattern, and your body becomes a fat burning machine.

The more of this hormone you have, the lower your weight and body fat (especially belly fat). It helps your muscles switch on the fat-burning and switch off the appetite. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory hormone that naturally increases the more weight you lose. A high fiber diet and the CHEAT products help turn on adiponectin and normalize this important hormone.

Dr. Oz calls grehlin the “gremlin,” the hormone of hunger. Your stomach and intestines release this chemical when they’re empty. It’s released in waves about every 20 to 30 minutes. Grehlin is a short-term hormone that can easily be trumped by leptin. That’s why you want to keep your leptin high by eating the right kinds of foods (like nuts) if you’re trying to lose weight. You also want to eat small portions and snacks so the “gremlin” of grehlin never has a chance to drive you crazy. By having a LEAN Shake handy at all times, you can keep hunger and cravings from taking over your life while you’re losing weight.

Feel-good Hormones
Hormones like serotonin, dopamine, GABA, nitric oxide and norepinephrine are our feel-good hormones. People who crave “mood foods” find that a crazy, emotional yo yo cycle starts to happen. They eat an empty, quick-energy food like a roll, chips, candy bar, quart of ice cream, bowl of pasta, mountain of mashed potatoes, or soda to get a quick rush of feel good hormones.
The empty starches convert immediately to sugar in your body. So when you eat either sugar or starches you get what some call a “sugar high.” But these foods move too quickly through the digestive tract so you have a “sugar crash” and begin very soon to crave more comfort foods.
IGNITE™ helps you to break the cycle by giving you slow-moving proteins for the first two days, and then introducing you to a balanced protein/carb diet. You learn to choose vegetables, fruits and other foods with plenty of natural plant fiber, healthy fat and protein. Your goal is to keep your feel-good hormones in a steady, balanced state. This minimizes the emotional highs and lows that make you crave empty carbs.
You can also work on greater life balance and emotional control through getting enough sleep, relaxation, exercise, meditation, prayer, etc.

1. Watch for a discussion of some of these hormones in the Dr. Oz show and various weight loss articles and use your understanding to help share information about Xyngular products with those who understand the science.

2. In addition to taking Xyngular products, use the suggestions in this article about reducing stress, getting enough sleep, and eating right. You’ll see your weight maintenance improving.



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How to “Borrow” the Best Xyngular Presentations

When you are new to the business, you may want to start by “borrowing presentations.” You do this by watching the experts and learning: videos on the website, doing 3-way calls with your sponsor, inviting your friends to a conference call (e. g. corporate opportunity meeting), or inviting your mentor to do a meeting for you.

When your mentor does the meeting for you, you’ll start by welcoming and thanking your prospects for taking the time to hear what you know will be so important for them. Tell them your personal success story with the products and opportunity (or borrow success stories from others). Then simply tell your friend(s) how wonderful the person is that they’ll be hearing from and turn the time over to your more experienced mentor. Together you can answer questions and enroll them in the business. It works that way for 3-way calls as well.

There are three ways to learn to master the art of excellent presentations: (1) learn, (2) model and (3) teach.

Even though you may be a great public speaker and be willing to give your presentations on your own right from the start, it’s smart to go through all three of these steps yourself. Why? Because you’ll be training new Distributor of all kinds with many levels of confidence, and you want insure their success. That means going through the process yourself that you’ll want them to go through.

#1: Learning From the Best How To Do Presentations
As a new Distributor, you’re going to be doing a lot of listening and learning. You’re going to want to be on a lot of corporate calls, listen in on a lot of Morning Shows, attend all the Eat N Cheats you can, and do as many 3-way calls as you can possibly schedule with different people in your upline and on your team. You’re looking for the leaders in this business that you want to model. You’ll read about key leaders in the ConneXions and the Momentum, and you’ll pick the most successful to pay closest attention to and follow their lead.

#2: Modeling the Best Presentations
Some top Distributors actually record presentations of the best in the business and listen to them over and over in their cars as they drive around. They learn to model their favorite expressions and their enthusiasm. They even learn to deliver their best jokes.

Modeling is easy if you listen every week to the corporate opportunity calls…or every morning to the Morning Show given by Stan Townsend and his team. These calls just get better and better because the team works together to keep things more and more exciting and lively. They’re modeling each others’ enthusiasm. They’re adding new testimonials as they read about them in the ConneXions. They’re creating real momentum and training all their new people as they go. New people are “borrowing” their enthusiasm … their “music.”

Once you listened to the best presenters over and over, you’re ready to try the presentations yourself. It may feel a bit awkward at first, because you’re breaking into the new world of tailoring each presentation to the needs and interests of your prospects. You’ll be adding your own stories throughout the presentation and making each presentation more personal and compelling. You’ll learn to ask questions to keep your prospects focused and help them understand your ideas better.

#3. Teaching the best presentations
You haven’t become a great presenter until you can teach others to give great presentations. You’ll know you’re ready for this step when you catch others modeling you. Here’s where you start helping others give 3-way calls. You invite your new Distributors to let you do the Eat N Cheats for or with them. When you teach you really begin to master the art of excellent presentations.

1. When you’re starting out as a new Distributor, schedule your life around listening and learning from the best. Schedule your life around weekly conference calls, morning shows and 3-ways calls. And attend every Eat N Cheat and opportunity meeting you can.

2. Get recordings of the best opportunity calls you can and listen to them over and over in your car. You can copy them onto your MP3 player or burn them onto disks from the recorded calls you listen to from the website. Then you can listen to them throughout your day or in your car as you drop the kids off at soccer games. This is modeling.

3. As you recruit, put a lot of emphasis on getting your people plugged in to 3-ways, conference calls, and morning shows. Do a lot of meetings for them and talk afterwards about what they liked best and what questions would add more to the meetings.



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Stan Townsend: I Lost 13 Pounds on IGNITE!

I have been designing diets most of my life. I started with the CORE4™ line before we had labels on the bottles.

Using CORE4 I lost 1.5 inches around the waist in 4 days. I lost 8 pounds in 6 days and 5.4 percent body fat in the first month to 5 weeks.

I knew we were on to something big, and my days of designing diets ended.
I use all the Xyngular® products every day, but had never followed the IGNITE™ System. So I figured if I was going to encourage others to try IGNITE, it is only fitting I experience it first-hand.
After first day on IGNITE, I had lost 5.3 pounds.

After only 6 days I had lost 11 pounds and had lost 3+ percent body fat.
After completing the 8 days on IGNITE I am proud and happy to share my results. I lost 13 pounds and lowered my body fat by 4.4 percent.

It feels so good to reset my metabolism. I look forward to a promising future.
Thank you Xyngular for these amaXYNG products.

- Stan Townsend



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miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

What Kind of Stress Do You Carry and How Does it Impact Your Weight?

Stress is so common in our lives. Most people don’t think they can do anything about it. We all need to come to believe that stress is not an acceptable condition because it does so much damage. But before we try to manage it, let’s try to understand how it is affecting you and your weight. Our stresses affect each of us differently.

When we talk about stress and health or weight, we’re really talking about our body’s hormones responding to an outside influence … in the case of stress, it’s some kind of threat.

What is Stress?

It could be worry or fear of a deadline, financial problems, physical ailments, relationship problems, or school exams.

Our minds and emotions have so much power over our bodies that our body and our hormones can’t tell the difference between being chased by a tiger or not being prepared for a presentation. If it’s a tiger, at least we can run away. But running away from the threat of most of our stressors isn’t possible because they keep coming up in our minds and our hormones throughout the day, and the results on our health are huge.

What are the Dangers of Excessive Stress?

According to Dr. Jim LaValle in his book, Cracking the Metabolic Code, chronically high cortisol can result in insulin resistance, huge cravings for empty carbs, belly fat, muscle breakdown, increased cholesterol and triglycerides, a loss sleep quality, memory problems, a weakened immune system, water retention and other disagreeable consequences.

It’s not generally known that cholesterol levels aren’t affected as much by the foods we eat as they are by how we manage our stress.

How Do We Measure Our Body’s Hormonal Reaction to Stress?

We measure cortisol. Our cortisol should be highest about 30 minutes after we wake up. It gives us the energy we need for the day. Normally it should decrease until lunch and taper off slowly into the evening when we’re ready for restful sleep.

However, if we’re involved in chronic stress, our body secretes cortisol in higher patterns. Here are several common types:

A stressed out person is on high alert all day. Cravings are common, driven by high cortisol levels.
The night owl gets into a pattern that prompts high cortisol for energy late into the night. Eventually it begins keeping them up even when they want to go to sleep. Over time it can lead to greater stress from the lack of quality sleep. Morning cortisol becomes lower, making it harder to get up and going in the morning.

The couch potato has typically had such high cortisol levels for so long that the cortisol levels throughout the day begin to drop. It’s hard for them to feel like doing anything at all. Everyday activities begin to be neglected and the result is often weight gain. If they force themselves to exercise or get active, they can feel even worse. The usual advice to be more active, eat better or apply more willpower may not work very well.

  1. If we don’t do something about our stress, it can lead to many health problems including weight gain. So start by journalling your life and begin to recognize the lifestyle factors that trigger your stress levels.
  2. Look for ways to vary your schedule and check your stress level at each of these times. Keep making adjustments until you find yourself in a more normal rhythm.
  3. Take time during the day for a scheduled break and measure your stress.
  4. Get your life on a more predictable schedule that starts the day with greater energy and slowly tapers down in the evening as you move toward restful sleep.
“What Kind of Stressed are you?” Tom Nikkola, Director of Nutrition and Weight Management at Lifetime Fitness, June 26, 2011, www.lifetime-weightloss.com/blog



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Why You Should Handle Hard Issues Up Front

Imagine this happening to you…

Let’s say you give a great opportunity presentation about Xyngular to a golden prospect…
…we’ll call her “Tanya”.

She has lots of contacts, a great amount of drive and a terrific personality. If Tanya “gets it”, she could be that one-in-a-million top income earner you’ve been looking for.

She’s showing sincere interest in the Xyngular career. She asks great questions. There are a lot of good signals that things are going well.

It’s time to make “the call.”

You’re trying not to be too eager by calling all the time. You want to play it cool. After a couple of days you call to invite her to be on a conference call with you.

The call goes to voice mail. You leave the details and say, “just text me and let me know if you can be on the call.”

There’s no word from Tanya. You’re disappointed, but Tanya’s busy. Something just came up. That’s all

A few days later you remember a lunch meeting you planned with Tanya.

You call her. “Hello, this is Jane,” she answers.

“Hi Tanya! This is Cassie from Xyngular. How are you? I missed you last week.”

“… Oh … uh … yeah … Hi! … I’ve been wanting to call you. Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t text you before the conference call last week, I heard your message … I was just … uh … I got too busy, you know …”

“Not a problem, I understand,” you say. “But hey, I’m looking forward to lunch tomorrow. I’m just calling to confirm. Does noon still work for you?”

… silence.

“…Uh, Jane? Are you still there?”

Finally she says, “…yeah, I’m here …You know, I’m going to have to cancel.”

“Oh…Ok…well” you say, “that’s alright, we can just reschedule for next week, how about Tuesday?”

There’s an audible sigh. “No … I mean … I don’t think I’m … uh … interested in doing lunch”

You’re stunned. What can you say?

You swallow hard and use a weak voice, “… uh … well…what’s this about, Jane? I mean … the other day you seemed so excited.”

“I’m sorry. I was really excited. And this isn’t about you. But … uh … after our talk I shared our conversation with some of my friends and … they thought I was crazy. It’s just … you know what I mean … Network Marketing. Everyone had a story … “I did that kind of thing last year, and all I ended up with was fewer friends and a whole lot of useless products.”

What can you say? “Well, Tanya, as you probably know, some of the best people …”
She interrupts, “Hey, I mean … uh … I’ve gotta go now, but, well … I’m sure this is going to work really well for you. It’s not right for me. I’ve gotta go, I’m so sorry.”

Does that sound familiar?

So what are you going to do?

• Forget about Tanya and say, “next!”

• Go back and keep calling her … maybe “stalking” her will work … this time.

• Get prepared to handle the “hard issues” earlier before the “dream killers” show up.

What if you had been there when Tanya’s friends were telling their stories. Maybe you could have overcome their objections. But the truth is … you’re rarely ever there when these conversations happen.

You have to get your prospects prepared for the nay-sayers, or their excitement will get squashed. And when it’s gone … it’s almost impossible to get back.

It isn’t just Network Marketing that could do it. It could be weight loss, it could be “not another juice.” It could be anything. That’s why your presentation needs to address all four elements and bring up the hard issues. Don’t let your best prospects become victims of negativity. Warn them about friends and family and give them some compelling reasons to get back to you when the negativity shows up.


1. Make sure you always give a “four-legged” presentation with (1) product, (2) company, (3) opportunity, and (4) industry. Don’t leave any of the four out or you could be shooting yourself in the foot.

2. Have a hard discussion about “dream killers” and ask something like this, “Who’s going to try to talk you out of this?” And, “What are they going to tell you?” Then, “What are you going to tell them?”



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Kim Lapo: 90 Days, 42 Pounds, 46.5 Inches

I am so incredibly excited and blessed to have found Xyngular®!  By the end of the 90-Day Body Transformation Challenge, I lost 42 pounds and 46.5 inches…10 from my hips, 9.5 from my waist, 6 from each thigh, 4 from my chest, 3 from each arm, 3 from my neck, and 1 from each calf.  I live a busy life, but the products are so portable and easy to incorporate into the day that it is simple to stick with the program, and weight just drops off.

Whenever I felt stuck at a weight, I used the resources in my Back Office to overcome plateaus, and I used Facebook groups to help me figure out what to change to get the scale moving again.
Since January, I have experienced a paradigm shift with how I view food for fuel instead of comfort.  Just like my waistband, the money we spent eating at restaurants shrunk too. We saved $400 alone on our restaurant food budget each month because we are eating meals at home. We save money at the grocery store since we aren’t buying expensive, processed food. My husband and I are able to stay active with our three boys Tate, age 10, June, age 7, and Tyce, our 1-year-old. I have the energy to keep up with them, and we spend more time enjoying activities outdoors. I have also started incorporating exercise into my day whether it is a brisk walk around the neighborhood, a visit to the fitness center or using a balance ball at home.

We have also been blessed to see the health benefits of using the products. My husband Brandon was diagnosed with Type two diabetes in 2005. His blood sugar was typically in the 300-400 range, even after he lost weight, changed his diet and started exercising.  In February 2012 he was referred to a specialist and was prescribed fast-acting insulin to help him get his blood sugar into the normal range. He was not happy using the insulin, and it was expensive.

-Kim Lapo



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viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

Create your 100-Names List

When you read the success stories on your website of people who are succeeding in this company, you'll see all kinds of people, young and old, experienced professionals and novices to business, men and women, tradesmen and salesmen, health care professionals and stay-at-home parents. This will give you many ideas of friends and relatives you can contact. After all who couldn't afford to lose a little weight, come out from a lot of financial stress, and gain new hope for a real Xyngular lifestyle.

Making a 100-name list of all your possible contacts is one of the first and most empowering things you will ever do to build this or any business. It's no different than making an invitation list for your daughter's wedding or a list for inviting friends to a new restaurant you are opening.

Compare in your mind two teams starting the same day at Xyngular. One team insists that everyone start by making a 100-names list. The other team doesn't. Which team will be more successful?

How to make your list
There are lots of ways to create your list, but you'll want to make yours as though you were being paid $100 per name. Gather at least 100 names. Twenty-five is a good place to start during your first 72 hours in the business. But don't settle for less than 100 to really launch your business. Two hundred may be too many. Fifty isn't enough.

Use the contacts in your cell phone, address books, email contacts, holiday card lists and any membership lists you have. Use the Yellow Pages of your phone book to help you think of people you know. Let your upline help you create your list if you get stuck.

Some teams get together and have a party to help their new people immediately create their lists and help everyone add to their list. They use a stopwatch and give fun prizes for those who can come up with the most names in a few minutes.
Write the names in your planner, your computer or on a separate sheet you print out from the "Tools" section of your Back Office. You'll want to show your first 100 names to those you recruit because example is the best teacher.

Don't pre-judge
The more you work in this business, the more you'll be amazed at who is most likely to succeed. You truly cannot predict success. Just write down all the names that come to your mind. Free up your brain by getting the names on paper. Don't prejudge. Everyone you think of will need optimal health, some weight loss, a financial opportunity or all of these.

Create a top 25 list
Once you have 100 names, rank them: (A) Has influence over others, (B) Has money and (C) is a "people person". Once you have them ranked, transfer those names to another list of your 25 top names according to their circle of influence. You'll want people who are really involved in other people's lives. People in insurance, real estate, plumbing, anyone who has lots of contacts or meets a lot of people is ideal. You'll want to focus first on people who can truly afford the products and would be willing to invest a small amount of money and time in getting this business going. Think of people who love the telephone, love working from home, have a lot of drive and can't stand to give up on a dream.

Think of people who do presentations all the time. Those with large circles of influence are exceptionally good in this business. It may be good to start calling those who can most easily afford the products. But it isn't only those people who can succeed here. Often the trusted person with a small circle of influence can enroll someone with a large network. It's often the person who's desperate for an income and willing to go to work who will create the greatest success. 

Sometimes you just want to identify your most trusted friends and relatives, someone who would answer your call in the middle of the night. As quickly as possible you'll need to build a team you can love, respect, and trust.
This list will begin to dictate your game plan. Gathering your 100-name list and your top 25 will drive you to action in building your business. You're looking for your ideal team and excellent partners. You don't want just anyone.

Keep adding namest
Make it a point to keep your 100-Names List handy and add new names as you think of them. Some Distributors keep an incomplete list in their jackets or purses so they can write in names as they think of them. They keep their list handy for making calls in the nooks and crannies of the day.


1. Fill out your 100-Names List as though you were earning $100 for each name.

2. Select your 25-Names List. Add email addresses, addresses, phone numbers and notes about these people.

3. Using a page in your planner, add new names weekly as you think of others you want to call. Carry these lists with you so you can make calls in the nooks and crannies of your day.

Don't miss these three super ingredients in our Super Fruit Xyngular Global Blend

Xyngular®'s Super Fruit Global Blend™ contains more than fruits. It also has a number of other powerhouse ingredients, making it far more potent and beneficial than other juices on the market. It's a veritable nutritional pharmacy of plant nutrition in one drink. Each ingredient contributes remarkable health benefits. It takes many articles in the ConneXion to describe them all. Here are the non-fruit ingredients:

Scientific research in both Asia and the west is providing hard evidence for the health benefits long associated with green tea. For example, in 1994 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of an epidemiological study indicating that drinking green tea reduced the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly sixty percent. University of Purdue researchers recently concluded that a compound in green tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells. There is also research indicating that drinking green tea lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol.

Green tea is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) a powerful anti-oxidant. Besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it also kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It has also been effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots. This is important because blood clots are the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke.

Green tea is also linked to the "French Paradox." For years, researchers were puzzled by the fact that, despite consuming a diet rich in fat and smoking, the French have a lower incidence of heart disease than Americans. The answer was found in red wine, which contains resveratrol, a polyphenol that reduces the negative effects of smoking and a fatty diet. In a 1997 study, researchers from the University of Kansas determined that EGCG is twice as powerful as resveratrol found in grape skins.

New evidence is emerging that green tea can even help dieters. In November, 1999, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published the results of a study at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. Researchers found that men who were given a combination of caffeine and green tea extract burned more calories than those given only caffeine or a placebo.

Green tea can even help prevent tooth decay! Just as its bacteria-destroying abilities can help prevent food poisoning, it can also kill the bacteria that cause dental plaque.

Historical Benefits

• Reduces the risk of esophageal cancer, inhibits the growth of cancer cells and kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue

• Lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol

• Helps with rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease and infection

• Improves immune function, lowers rate of heart disease, prevents tooth decay, helps prevent food poisoning and kills bacteria


A 2004 study at Pace University concluded that white tea can help your body’s immune system fight off viruses and dangerous infection-causing bacteria. White tea is also more effective than green tea in killing germs. New studies conducted at Pace University have indicated that White Tea Extract (WTE) may have prophylactic applications in retarding growth of bacteria that cause Staphylococcus infections, Streptococcus infections, pneumonia and dental caries. Studies have also indicated that WTE has an anti-fungal effect on Penicillium chrysogenum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In the presence of WTE, Penicillium spores and Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells were totally inactivated. It is suggested that WTE may have an anti-fungal effect on pathogenic fungi.
Furthermore, studies indicate white tea contains more polyphenols, the powerful anti-oxidant that fights and kills cancer-causing cells, than any other type of tea.

Historical Benefits

• Anti-fungal effect, retards growth of bacteria and kills germs

• Anti-viral

• Helps prevent the growth of dental plaque


Historical Benefits

• Impedes the production of primary free radicals



Historical Benefits

• Helps the immune system by stimulating the production of the t-cells (the specific white blood cells that attack any bacteria or virus that enters into the body).

• Restores energy/strength and improves appetite. 

• Reduces stress and enhances mental attentiveness.


Key nutrients include tannins, polyphenols, vitamin C, adaptogens, flavonoids, kaempferol, ellagic acid and gallic acid.
Amla has a reputation as a powerful rejuvenating herb. The Amla fruit is reputed to have the highest content of vitamin C of any natural-occurring substances in nature. Amla studies suggest that it has potential efficacy against inflammation, cancer, age-related renal disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis.

A human pilot study showed that amla reduced blood cholesterol levels. Another very recent study with diabetic rats given an amla fruit extract has shown significant lowering of blood glucose as well as triglyceridemic levels and an improvement of the liver function caused by a normalization of the liver-specific enzyme alanine transaminase (ALT) activity.

Historical Benefits

• Amla has shown potent antioxidant properties against oxidative stress.

• It has also been known to help control inflammation.


The power of ginseng is celebrated throughout the world. Ginseng allows the body to withstand higher levels of emotional and physical stress, increases levels of alertness and mental clarity, reduces fatigue, improves memory and wards off colds, flu and other infections.

Ginseng has also shown promise in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome and stimulates the immune and nervous system. It has been shown to help with diabetes and reduces the growth of certain types of cancer cells. It also increases testosterone levels and sperm production.

Historical Benefits

• Improves the cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems.

• Assists the function of the adrenal glands during exercise to build strength and endurance. 


Glutamic Acid is the precursor of GABA but has somewhat the opposite function; it is an excitatory neurotransmitter. It is one of the few nutrients that crosses the blood-brain barrier and is the only means by which ammonia in the brain can be detoxified. It is considered to be nature's "brain food" by improving mental capacities. It is used in the treatment of depression, ADD and ADHD, fatigue and chronic fatigue, alcoholism, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, mental retardation and schizophrenia.

Cysteine is a precursor to the antioxidant amino acid glutathione recommended for liver detoxification. This provides an anti-aging effect — even reducing age spots. Another impressive function of cysteine is the breakdown of mucus in the respiratory tract which can help in bronchitis, emphysema and tuberculosis.

Glycine supplies additional creatine to muscles and is used to construct DNA and RNA. It functions in skin, connective tissues, the central nervous system and prostate. A proper level of cellular glycine produces more energy.


1. Be sure to gather and file these ingredient articles as they appear in the ConneXion to show prospective clients all the powerhouse ingredients in Super Fruit Global Blend.

2. Become familiar with many of the health benefits of the ingredients so when someone talks to you about a degenerative health condition of some kind, you can recommend our Global Blend for its amazing antioxidant and other benefits.

"My doctor recommended IGNITE"

Marion Quintana won 2nd place in Xyngular’s 90-Day Body Transformation Challenge, earning $500 cash and an IGNITE™ pack!

I started Xyngular®'s IGNITE™ December 31, 2011. When I started I felt that it was worth a shot. If I didn't like it I'd return it and get my money back!
Well, the joke was on me. I fell in love! By week two I had already ordered my second IGNITE package. In my first month I lost a total of 20 pounds. WOW! In February I lost another 10 pounds. In the month of March I ate what I wanted and still kept using the IGNITE products but not following it exactly.

 Well, I didn't lose a pound, but I didn't gain a pound either! But in the last week of March I got my act together and lost another 5 pounds making me a total of 35 pounds lighter!

I went from a size 11 to a size 4 in jeans and from a size XXL to a large. I lost 22 inches from body with 9 inches from my waist alone!

I'm feeling great and looking the best I ever have. I have 5 pounds more to reach my final goal, but I have reached a goal I never thought I would.
Thanks to Xyngular my self esteem is back. I'm extremely proud of myself and thankful to my sponsors Laurie and Freddy!

Not only have I lost weight but I've also made money…enough that my husband finally quit his second job and now spends his afternoons with our beautiful daughter and me. Xyngular has changed my life in more than one way! Thank you.

- Marion Quintana

jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012

How does a job stack up against the Xyngular opportunity?

People who are new to network marketing are sometimes unfamiliar with the entrepreneurial mindset that is required to build a successful business here at Xyngular®. They need to know the difference between a job and an opportunity. Here's a way to illustrate that difference and anchor your commitment.

Suppose that at your job, your boss invites you in and tells you that for the next two years she'd like you to work an extra five to ten hours per week…not doing your current work, but something completely different. "You'll have to be absolutely committed to those extra hours every single week," she says. "No cutting corners, no excuses, no 'sick days.' How does that sound?

"Uh…there's…one thing," she says. "You won't be paid for the extra hours. You'll work your extra five to ten hours a week for the next two years…for nothing.

"At the end of the two years, if you haven't missed any hours or any of the tasks I'll assign, you'll retire on full salary—for the rest of your life!"
That's right, at the end of the two years you'll have your current salary every month for the rest of your life, no matter what else you do.
What do you think about her proposition now? Would you do it? Even if it meant doing some menial, disagreeable tasks that would normally be below your qualifications?

If you really were given that promise, what would make you quit early? Would the pressures of life get you to quit early? Would your spouse's complaints about fixing the screen door get you distracted or prompt you to quit? What if the tasks were like cleaning toilets? What if it required you to get out of your comfort zone? What if you had to talk to friends and family or learn to use Facebook for the first time? What about discouragement? Would you be willing to go through some ups and downs for a promise this big.

This is the way Xyngular works. You learn the skills from your upline and on training calls and invest the time to grow the business from nothing into something because in the end there's a major residual income that can last a lifetime.
Does that opportunity exist anywhere else? No! No other industry and no other business gives you this kind of leverage—certainly not your job!

1. Make a list of people who have complained about their job and share this story with them.

2. When someone complains about having to get out of their comfort zone and learn new skills, have this story ready to share. 

3. When someone complains about the network marketing industry, share this story.



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Don't miss these three super ingredients in our Super Fruit Xyngular Global Blend

Xyngular's Super Fruit Global Blend™ contains a full spectrum of fruits with amazing benefits far more potent and beneficial than other juices on the market. Each ingredient contributes remarkable health benefits. In fact, it takes many articles to describe them all. Here are three of the most powerful.

Plums and prunes have been the subject of repeated health research for their high content of unique phytonutrients called neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid. These are classified as phenols, and their function as antioxidants has been well documented. They are also high in beta-carotene, which acts as a fat-soluble antioxidant.

Plums and prunes are particularly effective in neutralizing an especially dangerous oxygen radical called superoxide anion radical. They also help prevent oxygen-based damage to fats. Since our cell membranes, brain cells and molecules such as cholesterol are largely composed of fats, preventing free radical damage to fats is no small benefit.

These dangerous free radicals can also damage cellular DNA, causing mutations which can result in the formation of cancerous cells. In addition, free radicals contribute to inflammation which increases the severity of many different degenerative conditions including atherosclerosis, diabetic heart disease, and colon cancer, and why it has also been found useful for reducing the severity of inflammatory conditions like asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Prunes are also a good source of potassium, which is an essential mineral for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function thereby preventing high blood pressure and protecting against atherosclerosis. Potassium may also help to promote bone health.

Historical Benefits
• They help maintain normal blood pressure and heart function to prevent high blood pressure and protect against atherosclerosis
• They help promote bone health
• They increase iron absorption

Tart cherries have naturally-occurring nutritional and medicinal value significantly higher than most other fruits. While other fruits have some of the same amazing compounds, tart cherries have a wider variety of them and in greater amounts. Tart cherries are extremely beneficial to our health and wellness.

Tart cherries contain anthocyanins which help reduce inflammation and inhibit tumor growth along with flavonols which also improve blood flow, heart and brain health, and lower blood pressure. They also contain plant hormones that help regulate physiological functions, terpenes that are essential oils from plant elements, and phenolic acids which are powerful antioxidants. 

Phytochemicals (antioxidants) in tart cherries help reduce the risk of major chronic diseases.

Historical Benefits
• Tart cherries reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer disease, cataracts, and functional deterioration due to age
• They improve blood flow, heart and brain health, and lower blood pressure
• They reduce inflammation and inhibit tumor growth

Key nutrients include such celebrated ingredients as anthocyanins, polyphenolics, ellagic acid, flavonoids, resveratrol and proanthocyanidins.

Many of the health benefits attributed to grapes are due to the pigments that are concentrated largely in the skin and seeds at levels about 100 times higher than the pulp of the grape. Anthocyanins tend to be the main polyphenolics in red grapes while the catechins are the more abundant phenolic in white grapes. The phenolic content of grape skins depends upon the variety, the soil, climate, geography, cultivation practice, and exposure to fungal infections. Grapes are also rich in ellagic acid, a potent flavonoid that helps fight cancer.

The pigments in red, purple and black grapes protect the cardiovascular system in a number of different ways: prevention of blood clots, lowering the likelihood of LDL cholesterol oxidation, reducing homocysteine levels, and properties that reduce the incidence of atherosclerosis. Grapes help relax blood vessel walls, thereby reducing blood pressure. Recent research showed that a Concord grape extract lowered LDL cholesterol, raised HDL cholesterol, and lowered inflammation.

Resveratrol (3, 5, 4'-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene) found in grape skins demonstrates many pharmacological properties including cancer chemoprevention because it blocks many steps in the cancer development process.

1. Be sure to gather and file these ingredient articles as they appear in the ConneXion to show prospective clients all the powerhouse ingredients in Super Fruit Global Blend.

2. Become familiar with many of the health benefits of the ingredients so when someone talks to you about a degenerative health condition of some kind, you can recommend our Global Blend for its amazing antioxidant and other benefits.



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"My doctor recommended IGNITE"

Rajat Gulati won 3rd place in Xyngular's 90-Day Body Transformation Challenge, earning $300 cash and an IGNITE™ pack!

When I visited my close family friend and doctor in January of 2012, she immediately noticed my large weight gain. I had to get on the scale for the visit, although I didn't want to. I told the doctor I did NOT want to know my weight, but when she told me, it literally brought tears to my eyes. I was all the way up to 222 pounds, by far the heaviest I had ever been in my life. I also had a 44 inch waist, and I felt ashamed at letting myself go like this.

Luckily for me, she knew about the Xyngular® IGNITE Program and recommended it to me. I was a bit skeptical, but I trust her so much that I finally said OK, let's do it, and I bought 2 IGNITE kits that day.

I started to feel better almost immediately when I started IGNITE. My wife was amazed that I'd come home from work and start housework or cooking. She couldn't believe it! When she suggested KFC for dinner once, I told her, "That’s the old me! The new me is healthy!"

I started feeling better, having more energy and exercising more. Overall, it was some of the best months of my entire life, because I felt like I was getting myself back.

At the end of the 90 days, I am down to a 32 inch waist! My weight is all the way down to 172. I lost 50 pounds, and I cannot be happier.

I have recommended these products to so many people who have seen my change, and I am excited for my future with Xyngular. There is no looking back for me!

- Rajat Gulati, Canada



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domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

How to lead others to the miracle of change and becoming more than they ever dreamed

There are three fundamentals that leaders must follow if they are going to build a team of believers…people who know they can change and become successful.

1. I must change first
2. I must hold to the process of personal development UNTIL I become a leader
3. I must build and associate with my team of believers

This is how we would say it at Xyngular. I believe in the life-changing process of personal development. I believe that I must change first and be continually changing and improving if I'm going to lead and inspire anyone else to change. I will constantly change myself and be committed to that change by associating with my team of believers and fighting off all doubt and dream destroyers. I will hold onto the process that will transform me into a leader UNTIL I become one.

I love that word "until." How many 8-day cycles of IGNITE will you follow UNTIL you reach your goal weight? How many days of exercise UNTIL you're healthy again? How many Success Days of talking to 3 people a day are you going to have UNTIL you have someone sponsored? How many days of doing 10 follow-up calls? How many Success Weeks of giving five or ten 3-way calls are you going to do UNTIL you have a Success Month? How many Success Months are you going to commit to—of enrolling 4 or more and training them to do exactly what you do—UNTIL you reach your financial goals? How many books on personal development? How many Conference Calls will you attend?

We all love to hear about impossible transformations in other people's lives. It's inspiring to hear of things that seemed impossible at first but over time, through many people working together, they happened.

Success is a habit, not an event
Building an amazingly successful Xyngular business and helping thousands to change their lives doesn't come from a single courageous, dramatic event. It's a series of small commitments and habits that, taken alone, don't seem to be all that significant. But compounded together they create spectacular success. It's doing the little things that are easy to put off. It's consistently making time for the important but simple things that few people will notice or praise. 

Revisit your vision
To maintain belief in yourself and your team enough to accomplish these daily commitments, you need to continually visit your vision of future. Remind your team, "can you see a day beyond today when all over the world, because of what you are doing, people are sharing their before-and-after successes on Facebook? Can you see the 'obesity epidemic' turning around…fewer unnecessary deaths, surgeries, cancers, diabetes, and heart problems?"
Who will we have become in that day? Will we have abandoned our vision and dream or will we be the miracle workers with the power to give our fellow men hope and vision of what they can become.

1. Make personal development a daily habit, something you schedule into your busy life without fail. It will make everything else in your life work better.
2. Make an UNTIL list. List the simple processes and habits you will commit to doing without fail UNTIL you reach your goal.



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The other healthy ingredients in Cheat+™

You've seen the video demonstration by Jim Ayres showing how konnyaku fiber in Cheat+ helps capture calories and carry them out of the body. Cheat+ also contains two other remarkable ingredients—green coffee bean extract and phytosterols.

Phytosterols are plant sterols, cholesterol-like molecules found in many plant foods. Before the industrial age, humans consumed as much as 1,000 mg/day. But present-day diets range from 150 to 450 mg/day. The highest amounts are found in healthy oils, nuts, and legumes. They have been widely studied for lowering LDL cholesterol, improving cardiovascular health, and encouraging anti-inflammatory effects…all of which are associated with greater energy and health. (""Phystosterols, Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University, May 4, 2012, http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/phytochemicals/sterols/).

A recent study on green coffee bean extract was published in the Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity Journal. The research involved 16 adults who supplemented their diet with green coffee bean extract for 12 weeks. Throughout the study, nothing about their lifestyle changed other than taking the supplement, yet the average weight loss was 17 pounds. They also lost 10.5% of their overall body weight and 16% of their overall body fat. There were no side effects reported.

The effectiveness of the green coffee bean is not due to the caffeine content. In fact, it only contains about 20 milligrams of caffeine per 400-milligrams. A cup of coffee has more than 100 milligrams. The supplement extract is not a stimulants. In fact, some studies have surprisingly found that green coffee beans actually help lower blood pressure. Researchers point to the chlorogenic acid that's responsible for its effectiveness. It releases glucose in the body while it boosts metabolism. These two actions reduce the absorption of fat and help eliminate weight gain.

A green coffee bean is a coffee bean prior to being roasted. Once it's roasted, the chlorogenic acid is largely eliminated. So your morning coffee will not have the same effect the green coffee bean supplement. It's best taken in a capsule because the supplement is very bitter.

Dr. Lindsey Duncan, ND, CN says, "I think that green coffee bean could be an effective weapon against the obesity epidemic in our country. It doesn't make you jittery and nervous and raise your heart rate like roasted coffee or ephedra. In fact, the green coffee bean has actually shown in some studies to help lower blood pressure—while still boosting metabolism." ("The green coffee bean that burns fat fast." Lindsey Duncan, ND, CN, Weight Loss, Alternative Medicine, April 25, 2012.)

1. Take a Cheat+ capsule 30 minutes before a meal to cut up to 25% of your calories.
2. Share the benefits of phytosterols and green coffee bean extract with your team and customers as you launch this amazing product.



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"Look at me now!"

Sue Peterson won 2nd Place in Xyngular's 90-Day Body Transformation Challenge, earning $500 cash and an IGNITE™ pack!

Six years ago, I heard the dreaded word, "cancer." I went through all of the emotions that come with the news, then all of the prescribed treatments-surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and a year of IV infusions! My recovery had its highs and lows but with the help of family, friends and lots of prayer, I made it through. The treatments—compounded with menopause—caused my weight to snowball out of control until I hit my "personal high" weight of 253.4 pounds in December.

Last Christmas, my daughter announced her wedding date—May 5, 2012. I was overjoyed, yet horrified at the thought of wedding photos that would forever record my heaviest state. I needed to do something, fast!
I discovered Xyngular through a friend, Laurie Bachran, on Facebook and started my first 8-day IGNITE™ program on New Year's Day, 2012. By the end of January, I had lost 18 pounds and 18 inches! The pounds seemingly melted off, my skin was glowing, and I felt—and continue to feel—healthy and energetic.
Friends continue to ask what I'm doing, and I tell them that I've discovered an awesome nutritional system that is transforming my body! It's not a diet, it's fuel for life. I never feel deprived—with CHEAT, I can eat anything I want—and I quickly lost all cravings for sugar and carbs.

In just 3 months, I've lost 35 pounds plus 10 inches on my waist and another 10 inches on my hips! I feel FABULOUS…and think I look pretty good, too. My cholesterol has dropped 23 points.
On top of all this, my first client/distributor Rachel Camarillo (Spokane, WA) and I both became managers within two months of starting. So our products more than pay for themselves. We're now building for financial independence.
I love to tell anyone who will listen about the wonders of Xyngular. And now family and friends are losing lose weight, improving their nutrition and health, and enjoy increased energy and vitality. Who wants to be next?

- Sue Peterson


































martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

"My dad's free from 20 years of major depression"

I began using Xyngular®'s products to lose weight. On January 16, 2012 I started my first round of IGNITE™. I lost 8 pounds and 11 inches. I am now down a total of 14 pounds and 19 inches. It has given me back my confidence.
But the best part of my experience with Xyngular products is how it helped my Dad. He has suffered from major depression for 20 years. He has gone from one medication to the next and from one dose to the next. A product would begin to work but then stop, and he was back to where he started. It was a struggle for him to even get out of bed and shower. It had gotten so bad that he had stopped working.

On February 23rd after hearing Kristi Welch's Mom, Marian Thomas, tell her story, I thought I needed to have my Dad try XYNG™. That night I went home and gave my Dad a sheet of XYNG. I told him to give it a week, so he started it and by the second day he was in the front room on the floor playing cars with my 19-month-old son. He's getting out and going to the movies, going on bike rides, taking his grandkids to the park, and also taking them on picnics.
Xyngular has given my Dad back control of his life. His depression and anxiety are taking a back seat to his life and not driving his life. My son now has a Grandpa! I am so grateful for all of these products.

-Michelle Hall



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Play where the opportunity is

Arthur Schoppenhauer once said that every new idea goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed, then it is violently opposed, and finally it becomes self evident.

Some people are so fear-based that they have to wait until every new idea is self evident or the product is everywhere before they are willing to try it. But that's not where the real opportunity is. If you're looking for a truly exceptional opportunity, you need to look for one that isn't yet self-evident…yet. Maybe you'll even want one that is ridiculed or opposed by many. Why? Because that's where the greatest opportunity is for terrific income to be made.

Network Marketing, as a system, is not universally accepted, nor is our system of weight loss or our Compensation Plan. You'll find people who still think they have to restrict calories or count "points" and weigh in each week in order to lose weight and keep it off. But we can promise that we, as a company, have created a unique opportunity and products people can use to build an exceptional residual income.

There are true pioneers driving this business. They are conservative, experienced business men and women who can also think in a visionary way. They have laid in the fundamentals. There is a solid infrastructure for solid growth. We have created recognition systems that reward behaviors that are fundamental to your success.

Xyngular® rewards the Distributor first. Every decision that is made in our corporate office must pass the test question, "will this be good for our Distributors?" This attracts serious business builders who are depending on a solid residual income they can retire on. We have done away with all the distracting qualification gimmicks found in most other companies. These hurdles and gimmicks actually mislead and hurt the newcomers who are unfamiliar with the hidden secrets found in other compensation plans. Our company is built around the promise to keep things simple so no one can be hurt when joining Xyngular.

Why is now the best time for you to be involved in Xyngular? Why is the timing so unique? Actually the timing couldn't be better. We are in a huge weight loss and health and wellness growth curve where so many business wish they were. As baby boomers age, they are experiencing the consequences of being overweight or obese. They have their ears open to learn about health and weight-loss products that really work. We haven't even scratched the surface of what Paul Zane Pilzer calls the "next trillion dollar market"—the wellness revolution.

In this economy a lot of people are looking for a safety net. It's obvious. It's on the news. Many people have been burned in their investments. Businesses are being downsized. Those remaining are overworked and angry with what they are being forced to do. They need alternative, secure sources of income that won't go away in a down economy. More and more people are needing residual income from home-based businesses for the security they offer in a very insecure time.

As great as our opportunity is today, a year from now will be just as good or even better. The weight loss and home-based-business-hungry market place couldn't be better for us to plant, cultivate, and harvest. The industry structure is certain and proven. This industry is, in many ways, leading the marketplace in this down economy. The timing is perfect now but it will also be perfect five years from now. We are debt free. We're solid and credible. We have built an incredible support structure with communications, recognition and leadership.

1. The next time close friends question the industry or our approach to weight loss, share the three categories of Arthur Schoppenhauer and invite them to join you. 

2. Never be intimidated by people who question or ridicule our industry or product. It only shows that we’re in the right place and the right time.



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