Imagine this happening to you…
Let’s say you give a great opportunity presentation about Xyngular to a golden prospect…
…we’ll call her “Tanya”.

She’s showing sincere interest in the Xyngular career. She asks great questions. There are a lot of good signals that things are going well.
It’s time to make “the call.”
You’re trying not to be too eager by calling all the time. You want to play it cool. After a couple of days you call to invite her to be on a conference call with you.
The call goes to voice mail. You leave the details and say, “just text me and let me know if you can be on the call.”
There’s no word from Tanya. You’re disappointed, but Tanya’s busy. Something just came up. That’s all
A few days later you remember a lunch meeting you planned with Tanya.
You call her. “Hello, this is Jane,” she answers.
“Hi Tanya! This is Cassie from Xyngular. How are you? I missed you last week.”
“… Oh … uh … yeah … Hi! … I’ve been wanting to call you. Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t text you before the conference call last week, I heard your message … I was just … uh … I got too busy, you know …”
“Not a problem, I understand,” you say. “But hey, I’m looking forward to lunch tomorrow. I’m just calling to confirm. Does noon still work for you?”
… silence.
“…Uh, Jane? Are you still there?”
Finally she says, “…yeah, I’m here …You know, I’m going to have to cancel.”
“Oh…Ok…well” you say, “that’s alright, we can just reschedule for next week, how about Tuesday?”
There’s an audible sigh. “No … I mean … I don’t think I’m … uh … interested in doing lunch”
You’re stunned. What can you say?
You swallow hard and use a weak voice, “… uh … well…what’s this about, Jane? I mean … the other day you seemed so excited.”
“I’m sorry. I was really excited. And this isn’t about you. But … uh … after our talk I shared our conversation with some of my friends and … they thought I was crazy. It’s just … you know what I mean … Network Marketing. Everyone had a story … “I did that kind of thing last year, and all I ended up with was fewer friends and a whole lot of useless products.”
What can you say? “Well, Tanya, as you probably know, some of the best people …”
She interrupts, “Hey, I mean … uh … I’ve gotta go now, but, well … I’m sure this is going to work really well for you. It’s not right for me. I’ve gotta go, I’m so sorry.”
Does that sound familiar?
So what are you going to do?
• Forget about Tanya and say, “next!”
• Go back and keep calling her … maybe “stalking” her will work … this time.
• Get prepared to handle the “hard issues” earlier before the “dream killers” show up.
What if you had been there when Tanya’s friends were telling their stories. Maybe you could have overcome their objections. But the truth is … you’re rarely ever there when these conversations happen.
You have to get your prospects prepared for the nay-sayers, or their excitement will get squashed. And when it’s gone … it’s almost impossible to get back.
It isn’t just Network Marketing that could do it. It could be weight loss, it could be “not another juice.” It could be anything. That’s why your presentation needs to address all four elements and bring up the hard issues. Don’t let your best prospects become victims of negativity. Warn them about friends and family and give them some compelling reasons to get back to you when the negativity shows up.
1. Make sure you always give a “four-legged” presentation with (1) product, (2) company, (3) opportunity, and (4) industry. Don’t leave any of the four out or you could be shooting yourself in the foot.
2. Have a hard discussion about “dream killers” and ask something like this, “Who’s going to try to talk you out of this?” And, “What are they going to tell you?” Then, “What are you going to tell them?”
Start Today!
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