Plums and prunes have been the subject of repeated health research for their high content of unique phytonutrients called neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid. These are classified as phenols, and their function as antioxidants has been well documented. They are also high in beta-carotene, which acts as a fat-soluble antioxidant.
Plums and prunes are particularly effective in neutralizing an especially dangerous oxygen radical called superoxide anion radical. They also help prevent oxygen-based damage to fats. Since our cell membranes, brain cells and molecules such as cholesterol are largely composed of fats, preventing free radical damage to fats is no small benefit.
These dangerous free radicals can also damage cellular DNA, causing mutations which can result in the formation of cancerous cells. In addition, free radicals contribute to inflammation which increases the severity of many different degenerative conditions including atherosclerosis, diabetic heart disease, and colon cancer, and why it has also been found useful for reducing the severity of inflammatory conditions like asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Prunes are also a good source of potassium, which is an essential mineral for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function thereby preventing high blood pressure and protecting against atherosclerosis. Potassium may also help to promote bone health.
Historical Benefits
• They help maintain normal blood pressure and heart function to prevent high blood pressure and protect against atherosclerosis
• They help promote bone health
• They increase iron absorption
Tart cherries contain anthocyanins which help reduce inflammation and inhibit tumor growth along with flavonols which also improve blood flow, heart and brain health, and lower blood pressure. They also contain plant hormones that help regulate physiological functions, terpenes that are essential oils from plant elements, and phenolic acids which are powerful antioxidants.
Phytochemicals (antioxidants) in tart cherries help reduce the risk of major chronic diseases.
Historical Benefits
• Tart cherries reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer disease, cataracts, and functional deterioration due to age
• They improve blood flow, heart and brain health, and lower blood pressure
• They reduce inflammation and inhibit tumor growth
Key nutrients include such celebrated ingredients as anthocyanins, polyphenolics, ellagic acid, flavonoids, resveratrol and proanthocyanidins.
Many of the health benefits attributed to grapes are due to the pigments that are concentrated largely in the skin and seeds at levels about 100 times higher than the pulp of the grape. Anthocyanins tend to be the main polyphenolics in red grapes while the catechins are the more abundant phenolic in white grapes. The phenolic content of grape skins depends upon the variety, the soil, climate, geography, cultivation practice, and exposure to fungal infections. Grapes are also rich in ellagic acid, a potent flavonoid that helps fight cancer.
The pigments in red, purple and black grapes protect the cardiovascular system in a number of different ways: prevention of blood clots, lowering the likelihood of LDL cholesterol oxidation, reducing homocysteine levels, and properties that reduce the incidence of atherosclerosis. Grapes help relax blood vessel walls, thereby reducing blood pressure. Recent research showed that a Concord grape extract lowered LDL cholesterol, raised HDL cholesterol, and lowered inflammation.
Resveratrol (3, 5, 4'-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene) found in grape skins demonstrates many pharmacological properties including cancer chemoprevention because it blocks many steps in the cancer development process.
1. Be sure to gather and file these ingredient articles as they appear in the ConneXion to show prospective clients all the powerhouse ingredients in Super Fruit Global Blend.
2. Become familiar with many of the health benefits of the ingredients so when someone talks to you about a degenerative health condition of some kind, you can recommend our Global Blend for its amazing antioxidant and other benefits.
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