miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

Kim Lapo: 90 Days, 42 Pounds, 46.5 Inches

I am so incredibly excited and blessed to have found Xyngular®!  By the end of the 90-Day Body Transformation Challenge, I lost 42 pounds and 46.5 inches…10 from my hips, 9.5 from my waist, 6 from each thigh, 4 from my chest, 3 from each arm, 3 from my neck, and 1 from each calf.  I live a busy life, but the products are so portable and easy to incorporate into the day that it is simple to stick with the program, and weight just drops off.

Whenever I felt stuck at a weight, I used the resources in my Back Office to overcome plateaus, and I used Facebook groups to help me figure out what to change to get the scale moving again.
Since January, I have experienced a paradigm shift with how I view food for fuel instead of comfort.  Just like my waistband, the money we spent eating at restaurants shrunk too. We saved $400 alone on our restaurant food budget each month because we are eating meals at home. We save money at the grocery store since we aren’t buying expensive, processed food. My husband and I are able to stay active with our three boys Tate, age 10, June, age 7, and Tyce, our 1-year-old. I have the energy to keep up with them, and we spend more time enjoying activities outdoors. I have also started incorporating exercise into my day whether it is a brisk walk around the neighborhood, a visit to the fitness center or using a balance ball at home.

We have also been blessed to see the health benefits of using the products. My husband Brandon was diagnosed with Type two diabetes in 2005. His blood sugar was typically in the 300-400 range, even after he lost weight, changed his diet and started exercising.  In February 2012 he was referred to a specialist and was prescribed fast-acting insulin to help him get his blood sugar into the normal range. He was not happy using the insulin, and it was expensive.

-Kim Lapo



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