Kathy Smith believes that the body sends us signals that we're not getting enough exercise...but we choose to ignore them. Your 90-Day Challenge is a great time to tune into these signals that tell you it's time to get moving and break a sweat. These signals can be great motivators and keep you from making excuses. You'll always exercise if you can convince yourself that you can't live without exercise any more than you can live without a shower, you'll exercise. What are those unpleasant signals for you?
Another way to make exercise non-negotiable is to confront your excuses and move past them. Here are the list that Kathy most often hears:
"No time." Who does have time for exercise? Until it's a priority, none of us will find the time. If executives of top corporations and even the President of the United States can make time for exercise, then we can. The reason they invest in exercise is because they can accomplish so much more because of exercise.
"I can't take a big block of time out of my busy day." There are so many enjoyable choices for safe and balanced exercise that don't take huge chunk of our day. They can be done in small pockets of time. And they will make the rest of our day much more productive. Many people report that 10 minutes here and there can crank up our productivity to actually save us much more than the few minutes we took for exercise. Anyone can find 10 minutes.
There's plenty of research that suggests that 3 short 10-minute pockets of exercise brings the same result as a 30-minute workout. You can even multitask watching the morning news or listening to your Xyngular® personal development while you exercise. Find creative ways. Go for a short, brisk walk with co-workers to discuss an important issue.
"I'm too exhausted to exercise." Let your early morning XYNG™ be your motivation to get out the door or on the bicycle. Don't waste the added energy and boost of serotonin from XYNG without letting it propel you to exercise. It would be like putting toothpaste on your toothbrush but not brushing your teeth.
For most people the first 5 minutes of exercise is the hardest to get into. Once you get that circulation moving your body tends to want to stay in motion. So stretch, take some deep breaths, and think how great you'll feel after working out.
"Exercise is boring." With so many ways to exercise, it's usually from a lack of ideas and imagination that exercise becomes boring. Let's make a list and try some new ways. If we can shift our thinking from exercise as drudgery to exercise as a gift we give ourselves, then we'll look for the most interesting and creative gift possible that never has to be boring.
"I didn't get the results I was after, so I gave up." We need to go back to Promise #1 and remember that dramatic, invisible changes start happening inside our bodies from the moment we take that first walk around the block and we have our first LEAN™ Shake. We need to imagine everything that's happening inside us: healthier heart, more active brain power, stronger immune system, stronger bones, and less chance of debilitating degenerative disease. You may not notice these differences, but the lifetime impact of daily exercise is dramatic.
Many ideas for this and the other articles in this series were gathered from suggestions by Kathy Smith, a well-known fitness icon who has led the charge for exercising, losing weight, and eating healthy for over 30 years.
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