miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

Xyngular Super Fruit Global Blend Ingredient Benefits



Nutrients: antioxidants, anthocyanins, protein, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids
For many centuries, the healing power of the acai berry was unknown outside of the Amazon
rainforest. The acai berry grows as a wild plant on top of many native palm trees in the
Amazon rainforest, with the fruits of the plant being harvested by local farmers and used to
make a healthy and nutritious fruit pulp. When quickly frozen, this fruit pulp can retain its vast
nutritional value even when being shipped around the world. The acai berry is known for its
deep purple color, as well as for being a rich source of many important antioxidant vitamins
and has been used by the indigenous peoples of the region for thousands of years to
enhance health and vitality.

The major benefits of the acai berry are thought to include its strong heart health benefits.
The acai berry is known to be a rich source of compounds called anthocyanins. These
anthocyanins are the same compounds thought to give red wine its health benefits, but acai
berries may contain even higher concentrations of these healthy chemicals than wine, with
none of the health risks associated with alcohol.

The acai berry is also a rich source of protein and dietary fiber, in addition to high levels of
both omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, thought to have a protective effect on the heart and
cardiovascular system. The omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids contained in the acai berry may
also play a role in lowering levels of cholesterol in the blood.

In addition to these important benefits, the acai berry is thought to play a vital role in slowing
down the aging process. In health food circles, the acai berry is known as one of the most
powerful of the anti-aging super foods. It is thought that this anti-aging effect is a
combination of the high levels of anthocyanins and the strong antioxidant vitamin content
the fruit contains. In fact, the acai berry is known to contain ten times as many antioxidant
vitamins as grapes and twice as many as blueberries.

The acai berry is truly one of nature’s most healing foods, and a worthy addition to any
healthy diet.

Historical Benefits:
Acai has been recommended for heart and cardiovascular health, may play a role in
lowering cholesterol, and is thought to play a vital role in slowing down the aging

Nutrients: flavonoids, polyphenols, Vitamin C , malic acid, tartaric acid
The old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, was coined for a reason. Apples are a
rich source of flavonoids.

The pectin contained in the skin of an apple supplies galacturonic acid which helps remove
toxic substances from the body. In addition, Pectin helps prevent protein matter in the
intestine from spoiling. Apples also contain malic acid and tartaric acid which can help
prevent disturbances of the liver and improve digestion.
and polyphenols. Both are powerful antioxidants. In fact, studies
show that eating 100g of an apple can give an antioxidant effect equal to taking 1,500mg of
vitamin C.

Eating an apple every day can lower cholesterol and reduce skin diseases and the large
amount of vitamins and minerals contained in apples help strengthen the blood. Also, apple
cider vinegar when used as beverage can help to prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Historical Benefits:
Apples have been recommended for : Obesity, Headache, Arthritis, Bronchial asthma,
Inflammation of the bladder, Gonorrhea, Anemia, Tuberculosis, Neuritis, Insomnia,
Catarrh, Gallbladder stones, Worms, Halitosis and Pyorrhea

Nutrients: antioxidants, tannin, anti-bacterial, cyanidin-3-O-glucoside, salicylate
Blackberries bestow a number of health and nutritional benefits on their consumers. Being
rich in antioxidants, blackberries assist the body in fighting free radicals and thus, avoiding
various types of cancer, especially breast cancer and cervical cancer. Another benefit of the
high level of antioxidants in blackberries is protection against chronic disease. 

The high tannin content, and the resultant antiseptic and astringent properties, of
blackberries makes them good for tightening tissues as well as treating minor bleeding.
Consumption of blackberries has been found to be beneficial for those suffering from
diarrhea and intestinal inflammation. Blackberries have also been used to alleviate
hemorrhoids, another benefit of their high tannin content. Blackberries have been found to
have anti-bacterial properties and can even help cleanse blood. Mild infections, like sore
throats and mouth irritations, can be treated with the help of blackberries.

Regular consumption of blackberries has been seen to delay the process of aging. It is
believed that the cyanidin-3-O-glucoside present in blackberry exerts protective benefits
against endothelial dysfunction and vascular failure induced by peroxynitrite. Blackberries are
known to contain salicylate, an analgesic or pain reliever, which might help lower the risk of
heart diseases. The flavonoids present in blackberries promote vision health by preventing
macular degeneration.

Regular consumption of blackberries can help strengthen the blood vessels in your body.
Blackberries serve as a great source of ellagic acid, which is known to have antiviral
properties. The high fiber content in blackberries helps maintain digestive health, help
control blood sugar, and assist in weight loss and in lowering cholesterol levels.

Historical benefits:
Blackberries help the body in fighting free radicals and thus avoiding various types of
cancer especially breast and cervical cancer, have antiseptic and astringent properties,
are good for tightening tissues, diarrhea and intestinal inflammation, sore throats and
mouth irritations, alleviate hemorrhoids, help cleanse the blood, delay the process of
aging, protect against endothelial dysfunction and vascular failure, are an analgesic or
pain reliever, might help lower the risk of heart diseases, help strengthen the blood
vessels, have antiviral properties, help maintain digestive health, control blood sugar,
lose weight and lower cholesterol levels, and are effective against macular

Nutrients: antioxidants, anthocyanoside, Anthocyanins, Pterostilbene, Kaempferol,

Blueberries are packed with nutrients and powerful antioxidants and earn their well deserved
reputation of preventing cancer-causing cell damage of the body. Due to their antioxidant
power, blueberries also reduce the changes brought about by various age-related diseases.
Blueberries protect the brain from oxidative stress and reduce the effects of Alzheimer's
disease or dementia. Diets rich in blueberries have been shown to augment learning
capability and memory power. The antioxidant Pterostilbene helps to reduce cholesterol and
Kaempferol, a natural flavonoid present in blueberries, reduces the risk of ovarian cancer in

The compound anthocyanoside present in the fruit helps to slow down visual loss.
Eating blueberries prevents different problems related to urinary tract infections and curbs
problems related to diarrhea and constipation. Blueberries also contain tannins, which act as
astringents in the digestive system and help to reduce inflammation. The high percentage of
Anthocyanins present in the fruit combats E. Coli.

Historical benefits:
Blueberry seems to prevent cancer-causing cell damage, slow down age related
disease, helps to preserve vision, prevents urinary tract infections, combats E. Coli,
reduce cholesterol, reduce the effects of Alzheimer's disease or dementia, augment
learning capability and memory power, reduces the risk of ovarian cancer in females,
curbs problems related to diarrhea and constipation, aids the digestive system and
help to reduce inflammation.

Nutrients: proanthocyanidins, high-molecular-weight nondialysable material (NDM),
flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds

While cranberry is perhaps best known for its effect on urinary tract health, newer research
indicates that it may act elsewhere in the body against other bacteria as well. Cranberries
contain proanthocyanidins, which inhibit the adhesion of bacteria to surfaces in the body and
the subsequent reproduction required for infection. The adhesion of the different types of
bacteria that cause both stomach ulcers, and periodontal gum disease, have been shown to
be inhibited in the presence of cranberry, and it is likely that other susceptible bacteria will be
found as well.

This anti adhesion effect of Cranberry may have far reaching implications. Not only may
regular consumption of cranberry products help maintain health, but in the process it will ~ 5 ~
reduce the number of infections in a given population, and thereby the doses of antibiotics
which are needed. It is becoming increasingly clear that a reduction in general antibiotic use
also reduces the likelihood of the bacteria becoming resistant to those very same antibiotics,
which is a public health problem of global proportions.

Studies have shown that cranberries have the ability to protect brain cells from free radical
damage and subsequent motor and cognitive function losses. Preliminary results indicate
that there will be compelling evidence that cranberry can help protect the brain from
neurological damage. Studies also show that compounds in cranberries may prove to be a
potent cancer fighter.

Atherosclerosis, in the simplest terms, is the accumulation of low density lipoprotein (LDL), or
"bad cholesterol", in arteries resulting in restricted blood flow. Flavonoids have been shown
to function as potent antioxidants and may reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. Cranberries
contain significant amounts of flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds that have been
demonstrated to inhibit low density lipoprotein oxidation. Cranberries may offer a natural
defense against atherosclerosis.

Peptic ulcers are increasingly being attributed to infection by Helicobacter pylori bacteria, as
opposed to stress and/or stomach acidity. A high-molecular-weight nondialysable
constituent of cranberry juice has been shown to inhibit the adhesion of Helicobacter pylori to
human gastric mucus. These preliminary results suggest that cranberry may be beneficial in
the prevention of peptic ulcers. In addition to ulcers, H. pylori infection has been linked to
gastric adenocarcinomas (stomach cancer), non-ulcer dyspepsia (acid reflux disease), and
gastritis (inflammation of the stomach).

Dental plaque is composed primarily of oral bacteria that have attached themselves to the
tooth and gum surfaces, and to each other (coaggregation). A component unique to
cranberry juice has the ability to reverse and inhibit the coaggregation of certain oral bacteria
responsible for dental plaque and periodontal disease.

Historical benefits:
Cranberry inhibits the adhesion of bacteria that could cause urinary tract infection as
well the adhesion of the different types of bacteria that cause both stomach ulcers and
periodontal gum disease, reduces the number of infections in a given population and
thereby the doses of antibiotics which are needed, plays a role in helping to prevent
heart disease and certain cancers, has the ability to reverse and inhibit the
coaggregation of certain oral bacteria, inhibits the adhesion of Helicobacter pylori to
human gastric mucus, inhibits low density lipoprotein oxidation, can help protect the
brain from neurological damage, may prove to be a potent cancer fighter 

Nutrients: glyconutrients, 22 phytonutrients, carotenoids, beta carotene, Vitamin C,
polysaccharides, LBP1, LBP2, LBP3, and LBP4, nineteen amino acids, 21 trace minerals,
protein, zeaxanthin, B-complex vitamins, fatty acids, Vitamin E, Cyperone, BetaSitosterol, Solavetivone, Physalin, linoleic acid, and Betaine; Beta-Sitosterol

Goji juice is a powerful antioxidant that counters premature aging. Consuming Goji juice
minimizes the risk of cancer by preventing DNA mutation, inhibiting growth of tumors, and
by controlling the peroxidation of lipids.

The key nutritional ingredients of Goji juice are the glyconutrients that provide eight essential
sugars required by the human body for growth. The 22 phytonutrient compounds present in
Goji juice facilitate intercellular communication.

The tremendous health-giving properties of the Goji berry can be attributed to its
composition; the Goji berry is rich in carotenoids such as beta carotene and vitamin C,
contains germanium, no other fruit is known to contain this mineral, has four important
polysaccharides, LBP1, LBP2, LBP3, and LBP4, which offer significant health benefits, provides
nineteen amino acids including the eight essential amino acids as well as up to 21 trace
minerals including zinc, copper, selenium, phosphorous, etc.

The extremely high nutritional value of the Goji berry has been shown to have a wide variety
of benefits some of which include increasing the body’s resistance to disease, helping to
regulate blood pressure, helping to regulate blood-sugar during the early stages of diabetes,
having a positive effect on vision, beneficial for the heart, relieving headaches and insomnia,
helping to regulate weight, promoting sexual health and improving fertility, helping
digestion and memory functions, and alleviating dry cough.

The Goji berry has protein content higher than wheat, contains zeaxanthin, which is good for
the eyes, has B-complex vitamins as well as fatty acids, and provides Vitamin E, which is not
found in many fruits but is normally limited to nuts and seeds. The Goji berry also contains
Beta-Sitosterol which has anti-inflammatory properties, linoleic acid which aids weight loss,
Betaine which improves the health of the cardiovascular system, and also contains Cyperone,
Beta-Sitosterol, Solavetivone, Physalin, linoleic acid, and Betaine.

Studies with elderly people and those suffering from general debility have shown that
consuming Goji juice can lead to a three-time increase in T-cell transformation functions and
that white cell interleukin-2 count can double. This opens up the possibilities of extracting 
even greater benefits from this berry, particularly for fighting tiredness, improving the
working of the immune system, preventing the growth of free radicals, etc.

Historical benefits:
Goji can lead to a three-time increase in the T-cell transformation functions, white cell
interleukin-2 count can double, fights tiredness, improves the working of the immune
system, could prevent the growth of free radicals, facilitate intercellular
communication, counters premature aging, Increases resistance to disease, Helps to
regulate blood pressure, Minimizes the risk of cancer , Regulates blood-sugar, positive
effect on vision, supports the heart, relieves headaches and insomnia, Regulates
weight, Promotes sexual health and improves fertility, Helps digestion and memory
functions, Alleviates dry cough

~7~Grape skin extract
Nutrients: Anthocyanins, polyphenolics, ellagic acid, flavonoids, Resveratrol, and

Many of the health benefits attributed to red/purple grapes are due to the pigments that are
concentrated largely in the skin and seeds at levels about 100 times higher than the pulp of
the grape. Anthocyanins tend to be the main polyphenolics in red grapes while the catechins
are the more abundant phenolic in white grapes. The phenolic content of grape skins
depends upon the variety, the soil, climate, geography, cultivation practice, and exposure to
fungal infections. Grapes are also rich in ellagic acid, a potent flavonoid that helps fight

The pigments in red, purple and black grapes protect the cardiovascular system by a number
of mechanisms that include the suppression of blood clots, inhibition of LDL cholesterol
oxidation, reduced homocysteine levels, and anti-atherosclerotic properties. Grapes stimulate
endothelial nitric oxide production which induces relaxation of the blood vessel walls, and a
reduction in blood pressure levels. Recently, it was shown that a Concord grape extract
lowered LDL cholesterol, raised HDL cholesterol, and decreased plasma inflammatory

Resveratrol (3, 5, 4'-trihydroxy-trans-stilbe
ne), a dietary constituent found in grapes exerts a
wide variety of pharmacological activities. Resveratrol is as an effective agent for cancer
chemoprevention due its ability to block many steps in the carcinogenesis process. 
Resveratrol contained in red grapes and berries has been shown to inhibit prostate cancer cell
growth, induce apoptosis, influence interleukin-6, and exert immunomodulatory effect on
mouse lymphocytic leukemia. One of the possible mechanisms for the protective activity of
resveratrol is by down regulation of inflammatory responses. Resveratrol also inhibits the
nuclear transcription factor, NF-kappaB.

Anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins are two groups of polyphenolics in Concord and similar
grape juices. These substances show cancer preventive and anti-proliferative properties and
can detoxify the activity of some cancer-causing substances. Concord grape juice can protect
healthy breast cells from DNA damage caused by a chemical carcinogen. Grape juice also
suppresses the growth and development of breast cancer cells in laboratory animals given
chemically induced tumors. The grape juice reduced both mammary tumor size and the
number of tumors per animal. The pigments in grape juice also improve immune

Promising data suggests the use of grape juice to promote brain health and delay
neurodegenerative diseases. Participants that drank purple grape juice and similar fruit juices
three times a week were about 70% less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. When
laboratory animals were fed Concord grape juice they showed significantly improved scores
on memory and coordination tests.

Historical benefits:
Grape skin extract has been recommended for strengthen capillary walls, reduces the
risk of blood clots, cancer chemoprevention due its ability to block many steps in the
carcinogenesis process, induces relaxation of the blood vessel walls, , inhibition of LDL,
inhibit prostate cancer cell growth, induce apoptosis, regulation of inflammatory
responses of cholesterol oxidation, reduced homocysteine levels, and antiatherosclerotic properties, protect healthy breast cells from DNA damage, improve immune responsiveness, promote brain health and delay neurodegenerative diseases

~8~Green Tea
Nutrients: catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is
a particularly powerful anti-oxidant

Scientific research in both Asia and the west is providing hard evidence for the health benefits
long associated with drinking green tea. For example, in 1994 the Journal of the National ~ 9 ~
Cancer Institute published the results of an epidemiological study indicating that drinking
green tea reduced the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly sixty
percent. University of Purdue researchers recently concluded that a compound in green tea
inhibits the growth of cancer cells. There is also research indicating that drinking green tea
lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad
(LDL) cholesterol.

The secret of green tea lies in the fact it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly
epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant: besides inhibiting the
growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It has also been
effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood
clots. The latter takes on added importance when you consider that thrombosis (the
formation of abnormal blood clots) is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke.

Links are being made between the effects of drinking green tea and the "French Paradox." For
years, researchers were puzzled by the fact that, despite consuming a diet rich in fat, the
French have a lower incidence of heart disease than Americans. The answer was found to lie
in red wine, which contains resveratrol, a polyphenol that limits the negative effects of
smoking and a fatty diet. In a 1997 study, researchers from the University of Kansas
determined that EGCG is twice as powerful as resveratrol.

New evidence is emerging that green tea can even help dieters. In November, 1999, the
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published the results of a study at the University of
Geneva in Switzerland. Researchers found that men who were given a combination of
caffeine and green tea extract burned more calories than those given only caffeine or a

Green tea can even help prevent tooth decay! Just as its bacteria-destroying abilities can help
prevent food poisoning, it can also kill the bacteria that cause dental plaque.

Historical benefits:
Green Tea reduces the risk of esophageal cancer, inhibits the growth of cancer cells,
lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol
to bad (LDL) cholesterol, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, infection,
improved immune function, inhibits the growth of cancer cells, kills cancer cells
without harming healthy tissue, lowers rate of heart disease, prevents tooth decay,
helps prevent food poisoning, kills bacteria

Nutrients: Vitamin C, niacin, potassium, Vitamin A, calcium and sodium,
anthroquinones, organic acids, and xeronine.

The pineal gland stimulates two major hormones called serotonin and melatonin. The pineal
gland controls five other glands which are the thyroid, which produces thyroxine to energize
our cells, the thymus which protects you against infections and cancer, the pancreas which is
involved with blood sugar and secreting the hormone insulin, the adrenal gland which
responds every time you are under stress; and the male and female sex organs and their
hormones. Therefore a healthy pineal gland will have an impact on the other glands and their
functions in the body.

When the pineal gland is at its peak performance, it turns a golden color and emits a black
juice as well as a golden oil. Noni juice acts as a precursor to the secretions coming from the
pineal gland, allowing it, and the other glands, to function fully. The pancreas is also affected
by Noni juice helping blood sugar and blood pressure to normalize.

Historical benefits:
Noni juice can help stabilize blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, joint pain, and
arthritis, improve digestive function, remove parasites and cleanse the digestive tract,
reduce ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and diarrhea, menstrual cramps,
arthritis, gastric ulcers, atherosclerosis, pain relief, and mental depression.

Nutrients: anti-oxidant, glutathione, vitamin C, copper, boron, folic acid
Pears have anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogen glutathione which help prevent high blood
pressure and strokes. The high vitamin C and copper content act as good anti-oxidants that
protect cells from damages by free radicals. The high content of pectin in pears is very useful
in helping to lower cholesterol levels. The pectin in pears is diuretic and will give a mild
laxative effect.

The cooling effect in pears is excellent in relieving fever, cooling your body in the summer,
and nourishing the throat to prevent throat problems. The anti-oxidant nutrients in pears are
critical in building up your immune system. Pear juice has an anti-inflammatory effect and
helps relieve pain from various inflammatory conditions. Pears also contain a high level of
boron. Boron helps the body to retain calcium, thus preventing or retarding osteoporosis and
the high content of folate (folic acid) prevents neural tube defects in infants.

Historical benefits:
The pear helps regulate blood pressure, protect cells from damage by free radicals,
helps regulate bowel movements, is a natural diuretic, a natural source of energy,
helps relieve fever, retards osteoporosis, is an immune booster and anti-inflammatory,
helps clear phlegm, helps prevent neural tube defects, nourishes the throat and helps
prevent throat problems, supports vocal chords.

~11~European Plums
Prunes have been the subject of repeated health research for their high content of unique
phytonutrients called neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid. These substances found in prunes
are classified as phenols, and their function as antioxidants has been well documented. These
damage-preventing substances are particularly effective in neutralizing a particularly
dangerous oxygen radical called superoxide anion radical, and they have also been shown to
help prevent oxygen-based damage to fats. Since our cell membranes, brain cells and
molecules such as cholesterol are largely composed of fats, preventing free radical damage to
fats is no small benefit.

Prunes ability to deter oxygen-related damage to our cells is also related to their betacarotene content. Beta-carotene acts as a fat-soluble antioxidant, eliminating free radicals
that would otherwise cause damage to our cells and cell membranes. (Only after cholesterol
has been oxidized by free radicals does it pose a threat to artery walls.) Free radicals can also
damage cellular DNA, causing mutations which can result in the formation of cancerous cells.
In addition, free radicals contribute to inflammation which increases the severity of a number
of different conditions. This is why beta-carotene, which shuts down free radicals, has been
shown to be helpful for the prevention of a variety of diseases, including atherosclerosis,
diabetic heart disease, and colon cancer, and why it has also been found useful for reducing
the severity of inflammatory conditions like asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Prunes are also a good source of potassium which is an essential mineral for maintaining
normal blood pressure and heart function thereby preventing high blood pressure and
protecting against atherosclerosis. Potassium may also help to promote bone health.

Historical Benefits:
Prunes help prevent oxygen-based damage to fats, they are helpful for the prevention
of atherosclerosis, diabetic heart disease, colon cancer, and for reducing the severity of
inflammatory conditions like asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis, help
maintain normal blood pressure and heart function to prevent high blood pressure
and protect against atherosclerosis, also helps to promote bone health and increases
the absorption of iron

Nutrients: antioxidants, salicylic acid, anthocyanins, quercetin, Manganese and
vitamin C

Raspberries can restrain proliferation of cancer cells and even the formation of tumors in
various parts of the body including the colon. The anthocyanins present in raspberry have
been found to reduce the risk of heart disease and also delay the effects of aging. The
presence of salicylic acid in raspberries might slow down atherosclerosis (hardening of the
arteries). Daily consumption of raspberry has been seen to lower the risk of age-related
macular degeneration (ARMD), the main cause of vision loss in older adults.

Being rich in antioxidants, raspberry helps neutralize free radicals in the body and thus,
prevents damage to cell membranes & other structures. Raspberry is a good source of
quercetin, an antioxidant that diminishes the release of histamines and thus, minimizes
allergic reactions. Manganese and vitamin C, two antioxidant nutrients in raspberries, help
protect the body tissue from oxygen-related damage. Research has shown that regular
consumption of raspberry is good for those suffering from inflammation and pain.

Historical benefits:
Raspberry can restrain proliferation of cancer cells and even the formation of tumors in
various parts of the body including the colon, lower the risk of age-related macular
degeneration, reduce the risk of heart disease and also delay the effects of aging, may
slow down atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), helps protect the body tissue
from oxygen-related damage

Nutrients: Vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, K, and P, Carotenoids, Omega 3, 6, 7 & 9 (Essential
Fatty Acids or EFAs), 42 Lipids, Organic Acids, Amino Acids, Folic Acid, Tocopherols,
Flavonoids, Phenols, Tannins, Terpenes, Mineral Known as the "Holy Fruit of the Himalayas," seabuckthorn has been cherished by native Tibetans for centuries for its incredible nutritive qualities. Seabuckthorn grows high in the Himalayan region and has been used in Asia over the centuries as an herbal medicine to relieve cough, aid digestion, invigorate blood circulation, and alleviate pain. This fruit has a high abundance of some of the rarest and most powerful antioxidants in the world. Not only
that, but it is the only plant known to contain essential fatty acids 3, 6, 7, and 9.

Sea buckthorn is a powerful antioxidant, thanks to its very high vitamin C, carotenoid, and
phenolic content. As a result of the powerful antioxidant levels, its ability to protect against
aging of the skin and the effects of environmental pollution has been noted. It has been used
for skin irritation, sunburn, wounds, inflammation, gastric problems, coughs, and mucous

Historical benefits:
disorders. The high concentration of some rare fatty acids and cartenoids are
thought to be the cause of the healing effect Sea Buckthorn has on such skin problems as
burns, dermatitis and eczema.
Seabuckthorn has reduced inflammation, increased cellular rejuvenation, improved
cardiovascular health, improved brain and nervous system function, provides a natural
energy boost, helps soothe and heal scalds and burns, improves nervous system
health, assists in wound repair, improves skin complexion, and is an anti-acne

Nutrients: phenols, flavonoids and anthocyanins, antioxidants, ellagitannins, Vitamin
C, manganese, folate, potassium, riboflavin, vitamin B5, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin
B6, vitamin K, magnesium, and copper.

Strawberries are filled with unusual phytonutrients and are famous in the phytonutrient
world as a rich source of phenols. The anthocyanins in strawberry serve as potent antioxidants
that have repeatedly been shown to help protect cell structures in the body and to prevent
oxygen damage in all of the body's organ systems. Strawberries' unique phenol content
makes them a heart-protective fruit, an anti-cancer fruit, and an anti-inflammatory fruit, all
rolled into one. The anti-inflammatory properties of strawberry include the ability of phenols~ 14 ~
in this fruit to lessen activity of the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase which is involved in rheumatoid
and osteoarthritis, asthma, atherosclerosis, and cancer.

The ellagitannin content of strawberries has actually been associated with decreased rates of
cancer death. In one study, strawberries topped a list of eight foods most linked to lower rates
of cancer deaths among a group of over 1,000 elderly people. Those eating the most
strawberries were three times less likely to develop cancer compared to those eating few or
no strawberries.

In terms of traditional nutrients, strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C and
manganese. They also qualified as a very good source of dietary fiber and iodine as well as a
good source of potassium, folate, riboflavin, vitamin B5, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B6,
vitamin K, magnesium, and copper.

Historical benefits:
Strawberry protect cell structures in the body and to prevent oxygen damage, antiinflammatory properties protect against rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, asthma,
atherosclerosis, and cancer, inhibit the proliferation of human liver cancer cells, and
lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration

~15~Tart Cherry
Nutrients: Anthocyanins, Flavanols and Flavonols, Phenolic Acids , Phytochemicals,
antioxidants, chronic diseases, Plant Hormones, Terpenes

The naturally occurring nutritional and medicinal value that tart cherries possess ranks
above that of most other fruits. While some other fruits may have some of these
bioactive compounds (such as antioxidants), tart cherries possess a wider variety of
them and in greater amounts. Regular consumption of tart cherries is extremely
beneficial to an individual’s health and wellness.

Tart cherries contain Anthocyanins which help reduce inflammation and inhibit tumor
growth along with Flavanols and Flavonols which improve blood flow, heart and brain
health, and lowers blood pressure. They also contain Plant Hormones that help regulate
physiological functions, Terpenes that are essential oils from plant elements, and
Phenolic Acids which are powerful antioxidants. Phytochemicals (antioxidants) are
associated with reducing the risk of major chronic diseases.

Historical benefits:
Tart cherry reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer
disease, cataracts, and functional deterioration due to age, improves blood flow, heart
and brain health, and lowers blood pressure, reduces inflammation and inhibits tumor
growth, helps regulate physiological functions

~16~White Tea
Nutrients: polyphenols
A 2004 study at Pace University concluded that white tea can help your body’s immune
system fight off viruses and dangerous infection-causing bacteria. White tea is also more
effective than green tea in killing germs. New studies conducted at Pace University have
indicated that White Tea Extract (WTE) may have prophylactic applications in retarding
growth of bacteria that cause Staphylococcus infections, Streptococcus infections,
pneumonia and dental caries. Studies have also indicated that WTE has an anti-fungal effect
on Penicillium chrysogenum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In the presence of WTE,
Penicillium spores and Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells were totally inactivated. It is
suggested that WTE may have an anti-fungal effect on pathogenic fungi.

Furthermore, studies indicate that white tea is better for you. white tea contains more
polyphenols, the powerful anti-oxidant that fights and kills cancer-causing cells, than any
other type of tea.

Historical benefits:
White tea has an anti-fungal effect, retards growth of bacteria , kills germs, anti-viral
effect, anti-microbial, helps your body’s immune system fight off viruses and
dangerous infection-causing bacteria, prevents the growth of dental plaque

~17~Wild Bilberry
The bilberry is one of the most powerful of all foods, and has shown great promise at treating
and preventing a number of serious medical conditions. The compounds contained in the
bilberry, notably the anthocyanosides, have been shown to help fortify blood vessel walls,
thereby aiding circulation and increasing blood flow.

One of the most important benefits of bilberry consumption is the ability to enhance the
vision and bilberry is thought to have a significant role to play in the prevention of many
common eye diseases as well.

Bilberry has been used to treat diarrhea and other common stomach problems for centuries
and is quite an effective treatment for sore throats.

Historical benefits:
Wild billberry enhances vision, plays a role in the prevention of many common eye
diseases, diarrhea, and sore throats

Nutrients: Primary Antioxidants
Historical benefits:
Impedes the production of primary free radicals

~19~Eleuthero Root
Nutrients: Adaptogen
Eleuthero reduces the depletion of stress-reducing hormones. When the body is under
stress, the adrenal glands react by releasing adrenaline and corticosteroids. This
causes nervous exhaustion or physical fatigue.

By reducing the depletion of stress-reducing hormones, exhaustion and fatigue are
diminished and the body is better able to respond to stress.

Historical Benefits: 
Eleuthero has been known to help the immune system by stimulating the production of the tcells (the specific white blood cells that attack any bacteria or virus that enters into the body).
It restores energy/strength and improves appetite. Eleuthero also reduces stress and
enhances mental attentiveness.

Nutrients: Tannins, polyphenols, Vitamin C, adaptogens, flavonoids, kaempferol,
ellagic acid and gallic acid.

Amla has a reputation as a powerful rejuvenating herb. The Amla fruit is reputed to have the
highest content of vitamin C of any natural occurring substances in nature. Amla studies
suggest that it has potential efficacy against inflammation, cancer, age-related renal disease,
diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis.

A human pilot study demonstrated reduction of blood cholesterol levels. Another very recent
study with diabetic rats given an amla fruit extract has shown significant decrease of the
blood glucose as well as triglyceridemic levels and an improvement of the liver function
caused by a normalization of the liver-specific enzyme alanine transaminase (ALT) activity.

Historical Benefits:
Amla has been known to have potent antioxidant properties and give against oxidative stress.
It has also been known to help control inflammation and its resultant effects.

Nutrients: ginsenosides
The power of Ginseng is known throughout the world. Ginseng allows the body to
withstand higher levels of emotional and physical stress, increases levels of alertness
and mental clarity, reduces fatigue, improves memory and wards off colds, flu and
other infections.

Ginseng has also shown promise in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome and
stimulates the immune and nervous system. It has been shown to help with diabetes,
reduces the growth of certain types of cancer cells, and also increases testosterone
levels and sperm production.

Historical Benefits:
Ginseng improves cardiovascular, immune system and nervous systems. It also assists the
function of the adrenal glands during exercise to build strength and endurance.
Glutamic Acid is the precursor of GABA but has somewhat the opposite function; it is an
excitatory neurotransmitter. It is one of the few nutrients that crosses the blood-brain barrier
and is the only means by which ammonia in the brain can be detoxified.

~22~Proprietary Primary Antioxidant Complex:
It is considered to be nature's "Brain food" by improving mental capacities; and is used in the
treatment of depression, ADD and ADHD, fatigue and chronic fatigue, alcoholism, epilepsy,
muscular dystrophy, mental retardation, and schizophrenia.

Cysteine is a precursor to the liver detoxifying and antioxidant amino acid glutathione. This
functionality provides an anti-aging effect on the body—even reducing the accumulation of
age spots. Another impressive function of Cysteine is the breakdown of mucus in the
respiratory tract which can help in bronchitis, emphysema, and tuberculosis.

Glycine supplies additional creatine to muscles and is used to construct DNA and RNA. It
functions in skin, connective tissues, the central nervous system and prostate.
A proper level of cellular glycine produces more energy.


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