Right along with the obesity epidemic, there is a worldwide epidemic of type-two diabetes. Many people don't know they're diabetic or at great risk until they hear the words, "you've got diabetes." By then much damage has already been done.
Almost 26 million Americans have diabetes and 79 million Americans are prediabetic. That's almost 30% of us! Even though the disease used to be called "adult-onset diabetes," many adolescents and teens are now being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
What is type 2 diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes happens when your body can't manage blood-sugar levels. Blood sugar levels rise after eating meals containing higher levels of carbohydrates. If the body can't keep blood sugar, or glucose levels within a relatively close range, the glucose can become toxic to the body's cells.
Insulin resistance
The more glucose we take in, the more insulin our body must produce to help regulate blood sugar. Insulin tells our cells to convert the glucose to energy. But with too much insulin, the cells stop listening, so we produce more and more insulin to try to drive the blood sugar levels down. High insulin keeps us from burning fat and can increase inflammation.
As type 2 diabetes progresses, a variety of health conditions can follow.
• Increased oxidation (think aging and cancer risk)
• Increased risk of infections
• Double the risk of cirrhosis of the liver
• Increased risk of Alzheimer's
Diagnosing prediabetes and diabetes
You can order a test for diabetes through a lab testing center. You'll have prediabetes if your fasting blood glucose is between 100-125 mg/dL. And the diabetic range is over 125 mg/dL. Everything above 84 mg/dL is an indication of increased risk...so be sure to talk with your health care professional if your tests are over 84 mg/dL. Here are signs to watch for:
• Frequent infections including recurring infections of the skin, gums or bladder
• Blurred vision
• Slow-healing cuts or bruises
• Tingling or numbness in hands and feet
How to avoid insulin resistance and diabetes by keeping your blood sugar at optimal levels
• Get your blood-glucose measured regularly. If your blood sugar levels are outside optimal range, connect with a physician. We only get one body. Be proactive with your health and take action today.
• Exercise regularly using a mixture of cardio, weights, and stretching.
• Eat fewer processed carbs and substitute whole foods, raw foods, and high fiber foods like oatmeal and sweet potatoes. Drinking 2 cans of soda a day increases your diabetes risk by 26%.
• Eat low-fat protein at each meal. Omega 3s in fish and grass-fed beef are a plus.
• Consider other dietary supplements that can help support blood sugar management.
• Feel free to share thoughts or ask questions below.
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