As you age, you may lose muscle and gain fat but see little change in your overall weight. This is especially true if you have the visceral fat Dr. Oz talks so much about that's packed in and around your abdominal organs. It puts you at risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. So the "muffin top" and belly on slender people might be a sign that they should try Xyngular products.
It's certainly possible to be thin and unhealthy, but there are far more unhealthy overweight people than unhealthy thin people.
The major factor in poor health among overweight people is insulin and leptin resistance. It's what Dr. Joseph Mercola calls "metabolically fit." And insulin resistance tells you whether you're headed toward a host of chronic, degenerative illnesses.
How do you measure how "metabolically fit" you are? Perhaps the easiest way to measure your weight and metabolic fitness is your waist size. It predicts your heart risks better than your body-mass index (BMI). It also tells you how insulin sensitive you are. It tells you your risk of diabetes.
Simply fit that tape measure around the smallest area of your abdomen below your rib cage and about an inch above your belly button.
• For men, between 37 and 40 inches is overweight and more than 40 inches is obese
• For women, 31.5 to 34.6 inches is overweight and more than 34.6 inches is obese
5 things you may not know about your weight
• You can change your metabolism: A study of sets of twins where one was fat and the other thin found that fat cells in heavier twins underwent metabolic changes that make it more difficult to burn fat. Physical activity can reverse the effect.
• Stress can make you fat. Stress can cause cravings for carbohydrate-rich foods. Stress hormones help your body turn to fat storage.
• Poor sleep habits can make you fat. When you don't get enough sleep your body's leptin levels go down. Leptin is the hormone that helps you feel full. Lack of sleep also increases your ghrelin (a hormone that makes you more hungry).
• Sugar works like a drug: Research is increasingly demonstrating that foods that turn quickly to sugars in the body (like sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and simple white flour baked goods or pasta) excite the same parts of the brain that are activated in drug addicts. Simply decreasing your dependency on processed foods and soda is a giant step in improving your weight, insulin resistance and health.
• Antioxidants help you feel full. Free radicals harm the cells that tell you you're full. Use antioxidant-rich products like Super Fruit Global Blend™, AXION™, and XypStix™.
A prescription for optimal health and weight
No matter what your current weight and health, here are some fundamental guidelines that will always help you move to your ideal weight and health.
• Eat a diet of mainly fresh, whole foods. Enjoy raw, whole fruits and vegetables
• Get super antioxidants and supplemental nutrition from Xyngular Super Fruit Global Blend, XypStix, and AXION.
• Maintain a normal weight by using the Xyngular CORE4™.
• Limit things that are quickly converted to sugar in your body—highly processed grain products, high fructose corn syrup (sodas)
• Drink plenty of water...up to a gallon a day
• Manage your stress by getting plenty of sleep and giving yourself a balanced life of fun and work
• Enjoy regular exercise including a mixture of aerobics, strength training, core exercises, and stretching
• Limit toxins by using a natural cleanse like FLUSH
• Consume healthy fats like olive oil and omega-3 fats
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