After a few weeks on XYNG, my work pants were loose. I didn't change anything but by taking 2 XYNG per day, I was down 9 pounds! At that point, I had to try IGNITE and lost an additional 12 pounds in 8 days. That's 21 pounds and 11 inches, with 10 of those from my waist.
I hadn't done the business yet, but once I found out how much Maureen was making, I decided to try the business. I did my before-and-after pictures, and Chris Hummel helped me post them on Facebook. Within 10 minutes I had 13 messages and was doing calls with Chris. Within 30 minutes I had made my first commission.
I hit Manager in 21 days and my business took off from there. The best part is, I lost my job in June and because of Xyngular® have been able to work from home and not have to find another job. I can be with my family and volunteer at school. I can go on vacation, and I'm helping people change their lives too! I'm so thankful to be a part of this!
Erin Giguere
"My last yearly checkup was better than ever thanks to Xyngular"
My favorite thing about Xyngular® has been watching my daughter Erin Giguere grow and succeed here. I have lost 35 pounds and maintained it for about a year. I was worried about the products because I'd had a double lung transplant and had to take anti rejection medication. Since being on XYNG™, Flush and LEAN™, I have all kinds of energy. I feel fabulous and my last yearly checkup was better than ever thanks to Xyngular!
Nancy Bierkowski
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