A new You Tube video,"The Skinny on Obesity" presented by Dr. Robert Lustig, a Pediatric Endocrinologist from the University of California, San Francisco presents a chilling wake up call to facts about weight, weight gain, and chronic diseases like dementia, cancer, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. When you watch it, you'll never look at empty calories and calorie counting the same way again.
The truth is, as our IGNITE program has proven to all of us, you can have the same amount of calories from carbohydrates and protein or even from fructose and fat, but the effect on your metabolism will be entirely different in spite of an identical calorie count.
Dr. Lustig certifies that there are eight major diseases related to this epidemic of metabolic dysfunction including the well-known ones like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, triglyceride problems and heart disease. But what is less known by the general public is that it also contributes to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, polysystic ovarian syndrome, cancer, and dementia.
Obesity isn't really the cause but is rather a marker for these diseases. These eight diseases represent an astounding 75 percent of all the healthcare costs in the United States.
Clearly, this confusion about the quality of our calories affects a clear majority of Americans in a major way, and the faulty dogmatic belief that all calories are equal has contributed to the tragic rise in metabolic dysfunction that is destroying our health not only in the United States but throughout the world.
According to Dr. Lustig even normal weight people can suffer from metabolic syndrome and a rare few of overweight and obese people do not suffer from metabolic syndrome caused by eating too many of the wrong kinds of calories. They will live just as long as they would if they were not obese.
What's the cause of this epidemic metabolic syndrome throughout the world?
Dr. Lustig points out that there are forces at work in our society that go far beyond personal responsibility for eating too much and exercising too little or basic "laziness" or "lack of control" as some would lead us to believe. A lot more infants are now obese, and "laziness" or "lack of control" aren't things you would accuse a developing infant of. These forces in our society include the following:
1. We don't have enough time to prepare and eat healthy food any more.
2. We don't get enough sleep as our stress level has increased.
3. Since the 1960's when we labeled fat as public enemy number one; low-fat, highly processed, nutrient poor foods have taken over. High concentrations of sweeteners were required to overcome the lowering of fat content.
4. Nutrients have been depleted from our soils as industrial farming has replaced the "less efficient" family farms.
5. Our meat, dairy and egg supply has significantly changed as huge factory lifestock operations have replaced grass-fed and free-range animal husbandry practices. This changes the composition of our proteins and causes widespread inflammation. Huge quantities of antibiotics compound the problems.
6. We get far less exercise.
When Xyngular® clients begin to replace the abundance of sugars and all the empty, starchy processed foods we consume with different calories found in LEAN™ shakes and proteins in the IGNITE™ program, It becomes clear that the old paradigm that "a calorie is a calorie" is just not true. A calorie from fat or protein found in nuts or peanut butter does not impact your body in the same way a calorie from the high fructose corn syrup found in a soda does. The metabolic effect is entirely different despite the identical calorie count. Why? Because different calories create different hormonal responses, and those hormones decide, among other things, whether you burn fat or store it.
So empty calories actually trick your body into storing fat by disrupting your metabolism. They turn off your body's appetite-control systems. They don't suppress ghrelin (the "hunger hormone") nor do they stimulate leptin (the "satiety hormone"). Empty calories disrupt your body chemistry and make you want to eat more and develop insulin resistance, an underlying factor of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and many cancers.
You don't get fat because you eat too many calories and don't exercise enough. You get fat because you eat the wrong kind of calories that program your body to create and store fat. That's an important reason why the IGNITE system works so well for you.
1. Begin a collection of labels and articles that promote the "old" way of losing weight by counting calories, lowering fat, and buying "fat-free," highly processed foods.
2. Watch for articles, products and programs that promote the new science. You'll see that the world is changing. And Xyngular is leading the way.
The Hidden Reason You Get Flabby (Not Calories or Lack of Exercise). www.mercola.com. April 30 2012
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