Communications have morphed so much in the last few years that we're all scratching our heads wondering if anyone or anything we say can cut through the information glut we're all experiencing. Busy, part-time Distributors with full-time jobs have a hard time taking it all in, especially if it gets redundant or has little relevance to their success.
Here's our take…The glass is half full. Today there are many more ways to communicate easily and affordably than ever before. All we have to do is (1) provide truly useful messages so people will always want to hear it and even look forward to it, and (2) send it out in all the ways people like to connect.
You can't just write a simple e-mail any more. There has to be a Facebook post, preferably with a before-and-after picture and maybe even a video. A short Twitter statement great headline and a link will work in some cases. More and more leaders are using their inexpensive video cameras to make one-minute "talking head" announcements and sending them out. Of course, texts and voice messages often get through when nothing else does.
Training Programs
The days of intensive trainings for new Distributors are not over, they just need to be broken into compelling bite-sized pieces that don't take too long in one session. They need to give new Distributors only what they need to start earning money right away. Then you can drip training on them by talking about and promoting Conference Calls and your favorite ConneXion™ articles. This can drive personal development and leadership training, which is essential for your team's success. All training and communication has to be short, easy to scan, multi-media if possible and exciting to share.
Some people can't stand to read any more. Others don't have time for lengthy voice messages. They'd rather read something quickly and get it over with. They love bulleted lists they can scan quickly. Some love listening to CDs and MP3s in their car as they commute. Others love the energy and excitement of conference calls, especially recorded ones. Some will only check smart phone messages or voice mail…when they have time.
How do you plug in your team and keep them excited? Don't try to do it all yourself. Take advantage of all the ways Xyngular reaches out…Facebook, Twitter, ConneXions, Momentums™, Conference Calls, events, etc. Glance through it all every time it comes out, and pick the most compelling stuff. Call and talk with your key team members, and invite them to share with their teams.
Keep reading and listening. Listen to recorded calls regularly. You can stay connected now better than anyone in the history of our industry could in all the decades before.
1. Build communications networks within your team so you don't have to personally call or leave text messages for everyone.
2. Create files of the best ConneXion and Momentum articles you want to use for your team communications. Send links with quick notes by email, Twitter or on Facebook when you see something great. It has to get circulated with a quick personal endorsement or it may never be noticed.
3. Train your new Distributors to send in testimonials with before-and-after pictures. If they do it on Facebook to promote their business, encourage them to send it to the home office as well. If they're involved in corporate communications, they'll be more likely to check the ConneXions regularly.
4. nvite your team to participate with their own success stories on conference calls. Everyone is more likely to listen if there are lots of compelling stories from all types of people.
Start Today!
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