Your mind races to all the hours you spent sponsoring and training that person… driving back and forth, taking their calls, answering endless questions, picking them up for Eat N Cheats, pep talks, dream boards, contact lists…
Then they have the nerve to call and say they're through!
Your choices: depression or fury? Well… there are other choices …
You can try to coax, manipulate, and plead to try to convince them that Xyngular® really does work… it will give them what's on their dream board if they actually work the business and stop talking about doing the business or planning to do the business.
Or… you can show and prove to them that doing small, manageable, daily actions actually works to make them money.
Which one do you think will work the best?
Simple actions, consistently done, compounded over time
When daily actions and decisions "compound," a wonderful thing starts to happen… they make money. The key is knowing which simple actions to show and do with your new Distributors, and what to track.
Start with the fundamentals: contacts, follow-up, 3-way calls, etc. If just these first 3 are in place, money starts to flow. The key is to make sure that all three are done every single day before their head hits the pillow at night. It's not enough to tell them, "Just get out there and do it!"
They need a simple tracking system and accountability list that prompts consistent action and asks the right questions, like "Are you making enough contacts with new people? Are you following up enough? Are you doing enough 3-way calls?" And after they've recruited a bit, you'll ask… "Are you giving enough demonstration training to your new Distributors?"
Any simple tracking system, consistently used, will tell you the answers you need. You'll do these together at first and check them off, then they'll start reporting regularly. They simply check off their business-building actions as the day passes, and at the end of the day send their report via e-mail, text, Facebook, voice mail, etc. Soon it starts happening once a week. Then they get their team to use it.
The best thing about accountability and clear tracking is knowing exactly where you're headed. You don't have to guess. You don't have to worry about wasted efforts or wasted time.
An effective tracking system can be as simple as a list of actions or a table with a few simple numbers reported. Please don't make it too complicated.
Accountability and tracking takes all the excuses out of training your team and charts a straightforward course toward a huge downline and exceptional daily Xyngular checks.
1. Start with an accountability partner of your own. Figure out together what key fundamental actions make all the difference in your success and how you want them reported to each other.
2. Then start your favorite accountability tracking system with your team. Experiment with all the different media until you find the one that works best for all of you. Talk it over as a team, and make it as easy as possible for everyone. Make sure if it's publically reported that it's used for celebration not punishment or intimidation. Never give up until you have a system that works.
Start Today!
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